This week Sony’s Officially revealed the” DualSense PS5 Controller” and the new console comes with some unique features.

There is a list of confirmed PS5 games, but at the moment of publishing, most of the games in development and haven’t been announced.

While the console will boast 3D spacial audio, advanced ray tracing, 8K graphics, and backward compatibility with most PS4 games, it certainly sounds capable of rivaling the Xbox Series.

PlayStation 5 Confirmed Or Rumored Games

Since the launch of PS5, the rumors have weight and left us by only guesswork.

Right now, rumors are suggesting we could see a new Ratchet & Clank, a Socom reboot, Horizon: Zero Dawn 2, a new Gran Turismo, and many more during the launch of the console.

Six PS4 Exclusive To NOT Return on PS5

In addition to creating new IP, there is a lot which Sony Could pull from PS5, including many great PS4 exclusive games. Below is the list of all six PS4 Exclusive Games:


I think its actually one of the most excellent game of the generation. Death Stranding is an action game set in an open world.

However, Kojima refers to Death Stranding as the first “strand game,” an original genre characterized by the game’s incorporation of social elements.



Knack makes a terrific meme. Further, Ps5 need a family-friendly series. However, that family-friendly series should be LittleBigPlanet or Ratchet & Clank or both.

The first Knack wasn’t excellent, yet somehow it got a sequel, which wasn’t any better. The Internet’s favorite PlayStation series began on PS4, and it should end on the PS4.


Gravity Rush 2 has one of the oddest choices by PlayStation this generation. It isn’t a system seller, but it’s also not even a critically-acclaimed series.

In a world where so many great games don’t get a sequel, its drive crazy to think Gravity Rush did. Both the games are superb, but there is no reason for Sony to bring it forward, and its a fullstop for Gravity Rush.



The Killzone was supposed to be Halo Killer, but it never happened. PlayStation needs a first-person shooter series on PS5.

But Kill zone success ratio is very low; it has failed many a time in cementing itself before Sony tries something else.



InFamous has delivered its best, but now its no longer needed. Sony has a better hero series now: Marvel’s Spider-Man.

But it looks like production has something special within its hand with Ghost Of Tsushima. And if it seems half better, then Sony must carry over and made a proper series on PS5.



Sources: ComicbookPushsquare


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