Amber Heard’s motion to toss Johnny Depp’s defamation trial was rejected by the Judge – Penney Azcarate. However, this fight seems to be never-ending. Every time we read an article we go like “okay, this is the culprit for sure”. We instantly make judgments but honestly speaking being on either side makes us all face a massive amount of dilemmas. When almost every allegation quoted against Johnny Depp was debunked and we started seeing Heard as the bad apple, another bomb was dropped on Depp when the psychologist claimed that Depp forced himself on Heard in anger.

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard
Amber Heard and Johnny Depp

As shocking as it might be, it is true! A psychologist on Tuesday testified that Amber Heard suffered from PTSD due to the violence she had to face at the hands of her ex-husband Johnny Depp, which also included several acts of sexual assault.

“He forced her to give him oral sex when he was angry” – Dr. Dawn Hughes

Dr. Dawn Hughes said that Heard repeatedly was “subjected to sexual violence” by Depp. “There are a number of incidents of sexual violence reported in this relationship,” Hughes testified. “Those are documented early on … where when Mr. Depp was drunk or high. He threw her on the bed, ripped off her nightgown, and tried to have sex with her,” she specified. Hughes graphically exclaimed that when Depp was “not able to perform” during such instances, he would become even further enraged.”

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp during the trial
Amber Heard and Johnny Depp during the trial

“There were times when he forced her to give him oral sex when he was angry — these weren’t loving moments, these were angry moments. Moments of dominance, moments of him trying to get control over her,” Hughes asserted. She later went on to describe the body penetration in a drug-fuel rage with an instance while the couple was in Australia for the shooting of the Pirates of the Caribbean fifth movie. During the tour, the “I will kill you”– screaming Depp inserted a bottle into Heard’s body. Hughes revealed how Heard could only wish for one thing at that moment – the bottle Depp was penetrating her with “wasn’t the broken one.”

Amber Heard
Amber Heard

Hughes’ evidence in Virginia’s Fairfax County Court was based on 29 hours of clinical interviews with Heard, as well as her analysis of court transcripts, prior therapists’ notes, therapist interviews, and reams of other information. Her testimony contradicts that of a psychologist hired by Depp’s attorneys, who said Heard was faking her PTSD symptoms and had borderline and histrionic personality disorders.

Source: Deadline

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