Ahead of The Nun 2‘s release next month, the lead actress Bonnie Aarons is suing Warner Bros. over a revenue feud. The actress rose to fame by playing the role of the Nun, also known as Valak in the billion-dollar Conjuring universe.

Her popularity called for a spinoff film for their character. 2018-release The Nun was a massive success. Garnering $365 million at the box office for a $22 million budget. The character is highly celebrated and feared among horror fans. Merchandise and other artifacts relating to the film are wildly popular.

Warner Bros. not abiding by a clause regarding the merch sales is what has caused Aaron’s to file a lawsuit against them.

Bonnie Aarons is not Getting her Share of The Nun Merchandise Profits

Bonnie Aarons
Bonnie Aarons

Aarons claims that her contract included a clause per which she should be getting a percentage of the financial gains the studio makes through The Nun merch. Aarons is the face of the demonic monster and has her face on anything and everything made in merch.

But since the film’s release in 2018, Warner Bros has only sent written statements of revenue which, in her complaint, she claims to be “inconsistent with the extensive merchandising activities”. A demand for further elaboration from the studio was only met with a “spreadsheet that contained line items corresponding to only a fraction of the known licences”.

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This is a breach of contract from the studio’s end and Aarons’ filing is for the same.

Bonnie Aarons as The Nun
Bonnie Aarons as The Nun

Her facial features and acting skills are what make Aarons’ iconic as The Nun. Michael Chaves, who directed the second installment of the film, said about Aarons:

“Bonnie’s incredible. She can really turn it on, she really knows what’s scary, and she’s just so easy. It’s not like she’s always in this Dark Nun persona, she’s not the Method Nun.”

The resolution of this situation or its lack thereof can possibly have a negative impact on the reception of The Nun 2.

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The Nun 2 is Lurking

Bonnie Aarons in The Nun 2
Bonnie Aarons in The Nun 2

Bonnie Aarons filed the lawsuit on Tuesday August 15, which is almost just a month before The Nun II hits the theatres.

After the immense success of its prequel, The Nun 2 is one of the most highly anticipated films in the horror genre. The lawsuit could possibly cause some negative publicity for the film. And have undesirable effects on its marketing and reception.

The timing of this lawsuit is a double-edged sword. This could cause curiosity in the masses, increasing the theatre turnout and intriguing chatter around the movie.

If not, the public can just easily believe Aarons’ claims, creating a sense of support and paint the studio’s management and handling of the matter in a bad light.

Either way, the film is getting some marketing, even if it’s the unintentional kind. If WB chooses, they can give Aarons’ rightful share of the money and put an end to the matter right away.

That seems unlikely, but The Nun 2‘s success does not.

The Nun 2 will hit theaters on September 8, 2023.

Read More: The Conjuring: 12 Behind The Scenes Facts About ” The Devil Made Me Do It”

Source: Entertainment Weekly

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