The Red, White & Royal Blue sequel, produced by Amazon MGM Studios, is happening once again. The first film is based on Casey McQuiston’s romance novel of the same name. It focuses on Alex Claremont-Diaz, the U.S. president’s son, and his love story with Prince Henry of Britain.

Red, White & Royal Blue
Red, White & Royal Blue (Credits: Amazon Studios)

The first novel was praised for its positive depiction of a gay male romance. The movie shows how people are more accepting of the LGBTQ+ community today, including the British royal family. But this isn’t limited to the film. Even King Charles’ sons are supporting LGBTQ+ rights.

Recently, British actor and broadcaster Stephen Fry, who played King James III in the film praised Prince William and Prince Harry for supporting LGBTQ+ rights. It’s a big change from their great-great-grandfather, King George V, who was known for his strong dislike of LGBTQ+ people. For those unaware, Fry has been friends with the royal family for years.

Stephen Fry Stated that Prince William and Harry Support LGBTQ+ Rights

Red, White & Royal Blue (Credits: Amazon Studios)
Stephen Fry in Red, White & Royal Blue (Credits: Amazon Studios)

To appreciate why Prince William and Prince Harry‘s support for the LGBTQ+ community is important, we need to look at the past – as described by Stephen Fry. The actor told Variety that King George V, who was king from 1910 to 1936, once made a chilling comment about a friend involved in a gay scandal: “I thought men like that shot themselves.”

This comment shows how tough and unfair attitudes were back then, not just in Britain but across much of Europe and America. In recent years, the British royal family’s views on LGBTQ+ issues have changed significantly. The 66-year-old English star said that both Prince William and Harry are “very gay-friendly and charming.”

Both brothers, influenced by their father King Charles III—who was friends with openly gay figures like Picasso biographer John Richardson—have grown up in a more accepting world. This upbringing has made them outspoken supporters of LGBTQ+ rights.

Royal Brothers’ Bold Initiatives Towards LGBTQ+ Rights

Prince Harry’s allyship is evident from his actions during his military service. In 2008, he was a tank commander when he stood up for James Wharton, one of the first openly gay soldiers in the British army. Wharton recalled to Forces News (via NBC News) how Harry stepped in when other soldiers were mocking him for being gay. Wharton said Prince Harry was “quite offended” by their behavior, adding that the teasing stopped once Harry got involved.

Harry’s support for LGBTQ+ rights goes beyond personal interactions. His mental health charity, Heads Together, teams up with groups like Mermaids (a charity that helps transgender youth). This is important because some people in the UK aren’t supportive of transgender rights. Harry’s actions remind people of his mom, Princess Diana, who supported the gay community during the HIV/AIDS crisis.

Also, Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, are praised for being modern parents. Markle wants to raise their son, Archie, in a way that’s open-minded about gender. Even Prince William has also shown strong support for the LGBTQ+ community.

Princes Harry, William and Charles at the London Conference on The Illegal Wildlife Trade
Princes Harry, William and Charles at the London Conference on The Illegal Wildlife Trade (Credits: Wikimedia Commons/Foreign and Commonwealth Office)

He said he’d be totally behind his kids if they were gay, but he worries about how society might treat them. “I wish we lived in a world where it’s really normal and cool,” he said at a LGBT youth charity in London (as reported by BBC).

In 2019, William visited the Albert Kennedy Trust (AKT), a charity supporting LGBTQ+ youth at risk of homelessness. There, he expressed his shock at a recent homophobic attack and talked about the importance of parental support. “It’s a real pressure to live under,” he said (via BBC), understanding the struggles LGBTQ+ people go through.

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