Better Call Saul fans—here’s a bittersweet tidbit! Remember that iconic finger gun scene between Jimmy and Kim in the finale? Rhea Seehorn, who plays Kim Wexler, reveals a deleted scene that changes everything. Seehorn admits feeling “sad” about the cut, but the reasoning behind it is intriguing. 

Rhea Seehorn in a scene from Cooper's Bar
Rhea Seehorn in a scene from Cooper’s Bar | AMC

Created by Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould, Better Call Saul is an American drama television series that examines the ethical decline of Jimmy McGill (an inspiring lawyer). Dive in to discover what almost happened with that one-cut scene, and why it ultimately served the story best!

A Deleted Reunion: Rhea Seehorn Reflects on Kim Wexler’s Almost-Different Ending

Bob Odenkirk and Rhea Seehorn
Bob Odenkirk and Rhea Seehorn are up against some serious competition | AMC

Fans of Better Call Saul are still deconstructing the show’s emotional gut blow two years after it ended. The gorgeous actress Rhea Seehorn, who played Kim Wexler, reveals details about a sequence that was cut that would have altered Kim’s course.

Seehorn acknowledges her initial disappointment over a removed scene, but she is ultimately pleased with how Kim’s story turned out. The cherished attorney and Jimmy (Bob Odenkirk) had a melancholy reunion in prison, as Jimmy’s impending term will always change their relationship. The I Hate Kids actress remarked, 

I was sad when I saw that it was cut. I just thought it was so cool. It was such a great callback that says, ‘Hey, we’re still a team in some way.’ But when [co-creator] Peter [Gould] told me the reason that they cut it, I am absolutely on his side now. It should not look like a reset in any way, and to do the finger guns again, he was like, ‘Every time I watched it, it read like Kim is back in the game and she has not progressed and is not moving forward.’ And so it was really important to him that that not be the message, and I fully agree with that.

Well, the scene that was cut out provided an alternative viewpoint. Do you recall their amusing finger gun routine? Kim imitated the gesture across the jail fence in the epilogue, serving as a moving flashback to better days. However, a discarded take depicted Kim giving back the finger guns. The authors were concerned that Kim was prepared to return to Jimmy’s deceptive tactics in light of this move, which may depict a different picture.

Initially disappointed, Seehorn is finally happy with the character’s development. In the prison finale, Kim and Jimmy had a heartbreaking reunion—a turning point that’d always be overshadowed by Jimmy’s impending jail sentence. The deleted scene, however, illustrated a completely different narrative for Kim’s character. Reshaping Kim’s future, it presented how Jimmy and Kim are over—and for good!

Better Call Saul’s finale: A farewell sealed in silence? 

Rhea Seehorn
Bob Odenkirk as Jimmy McGill, Rhea Seehorn as Kim Wexler in Better Call Saul | AMC

The last episode of Better Call Saul is one of the most potent TV series finales ever. However, a moment that has been removed suggests a tragic reality that is concealed by the lack of a single gesture. Jimmy admits to the full extent of his and Walter White’s crimes at the climactic scene. What’s the outcome? 86 years in prison! He does get a visit from Kim, but it’s a bittersweet reunion colored with concern for his future. Is this the end, though?

This is an unsolved question in the show’s ending. But the scene that’s missing says so much. Kim and Jimmy used to have a lighthearted finger gun act. In the epilogue, Kim provides a melancholic flashback to better days by silently repeating the motion over the prison wall. However, a deleted scene included Kim giving back the finger guns. The producers were concerned that this could provide a different image—one in which Kim was prepared to return to Jimmy’s deceptive tactics.

Rhea Seehorn eventually agreed that the omitted sequence benefited the plot, despite her initial anguish about it. Their silent separation, broken only by the devastating finger guns, turns into a poignant farewell. It makes both Seehorn and the audience wonder if their split is truly final.

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