Robert Pattinson is now one of the most acclaimed actors in Hollywood, but his beginning in the industry was as humble as any other A-lister. Starring as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire gave his career leverage. The next big role he landed was the lead actor in The Twilight Saga, one of the most popular fantasy franchises.

Matt Reeves' The Batman
Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne in Batman

Pattinson may have achieved stardom for portraying a centuries-old sparkly handsome vampire named Edward Cullen, but over the years, he has made it abundantly clear that he is not quite as proud of it as one would expect. However, his contributions to the movie were not limited to acting as he was also the mastermind behind two original songs on the movie’s soundtrack, which might be something he is actually proud of.

Robert Pattinson Was Never Planning on Having the Songs to Be Included on Twilight‘s Soundtrack

Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson in Twilight

Robert Pattinson started his career with fantasy films, but his filmography has become more diverse with each new project he has appeared in. From The Lost City of Z in which he explores the rainforest of the Amazon to Christopher Nolan’s Tenet in which he travels through time, his movies have almost always included a surprise.

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As it turns out, Pattinson is a man of many talents because not many would be aware of his talent as a musician. This talent was showcased in the form of the two original songs Never Think and Let Me Sign on the soundtrack of Twilight (2008).

While Never Think is used in the restaurant scene in which Edward and Bella discuss vampires and their abilities, Let Me Sign is used in the scene in which Edward sucks the venom from Bella’s arm after James bites her. However, using the songs was not something that Pattinson planned to do.

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In an interview with MTV before the movie’s release, when the interview asked how the songs landed on the soundtrack, the Good Time actor had a simple answer: “By accident.” As for how this accident happened:

“I think Nikki [Reed] gave a CD of stuff I’d recorded on my computer to Catherine [Hardwicke]. I’d recorded it years ago. I think Catherine put it into a cut and I didn’t even realize what it was at first. It kind of fit really well. I didn’t really think about it other than I didn’t know I was going to be on the soundtrack.”

So, fans have Nikki Reed to thank for passing the music to the film’s director Catherine Hardwicke who thought it suited the soundtrack well.

Robert Pattinson Had Music Has His Backup Plan

Robert Pattinson in The Lost City of Z
Robert Pattinson in The Lost City of Z

Pattinson was young when he got into acting. He had no idea whether or not he would make it big in his career so he had planned music to be his backup, and his intention with the songs on the Twilight soundtrack was never to get into the music scene.

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In an interview with The Los Angeles Times (via Bustle), he explained his plan:

“I’ve never really recorded anything — I just played in pubs and stuff –- and I really didn’t want it to look like I was trying to cash in. I hope it doesn’t come across as that. I’m not going to be doing any music videos or anything. Music is my backup plan if acting fails. I don’t want to put all my eggs in one basket.”

So far, Hollywood has been nothing but welcoming to Pattinson, so it is unlikely that he will turn to music anytime soon. However, even if he feels like branching out any time in the future, the doors will be very much open for him.

The Twilight Saga is available for streaming on Peacock.

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