Harry Potter fans will be familiar with the concept of ‘Longbottoming’.

For those who don’t know, it’s the process of going from that geeky-looking child who got Petrificus Totalus-ed in his PJs to suddenly bagging a shirtless spread in the Attitude magazine.

And anyone who has already gotten around to watching the eagerly anticipated Game of Thrones finale will probably have already noticed a same moment just like that.

Game of Thrones | Season 8 Episode 6 | Preview (HBO)

Obviously, if you haven’t seen Game Of Thrones Finale then you should *probably* look away now, because some major spoilers lie ahead.

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Lord Of Vale Robin Arryn Is The Neville Longbottom Of Game Of Thrones

Game Of Thrones Finale *Spoilers ahead*

Enter: Robin Arryn, aka ‘ the sweet Robin’, Mother’s ‘good strong boy’ and Lord of the Vale – Lysa Arryn’s son. Yep, the very same one who once wiped away as breast milk moustache while he lay on his mother’s lap while the court looked on in disgust. The very same Robin Arryn.

Also Read: In Game of Thrones, Bran’s Triumphant Ending Was Decided in Season 1

Robin Arryn, aka ‘ the sweet Robin’

Played by Lino Facioli, who is now 18 years old, Robin appeared on the finale of Game of Thrones season 8 after the very uncomfortable embrace between Jon Snow and Daenerys Targarygen took place. He was seen in among the ladies and lords of Westeros, who were there to decide who shall rule the Six Kingdoms after the North decided to become a separate nation.

Robin Arryn Is The Neville Longbottom Of Game Of Thrones
Robin Arryn, aka ‘ the sweet Robin

It’s fair to say Faciolo’s appearance didn’t go unnoticed, and it turns out the actor took notice of said fans taking notice.

Faciolo tweeted out an article that suggested he is the Neville Longbottom of Game of Thrones

On Monday morning, Faciolo tweeted out an article that (correctly, we believe) suggested he is the Neville Longbottom of Game of Thrones series .

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He wrote:

Definitely didn’t expect my morning to start off like this.

Faciolo’s coming of age certainly isn’t too dissimilar to that of Matthew Lewis, who played Longbottom in Harry Potter.

Lewis first appeared as a chubby-faced child in 2001 and now he has abs of steel in his late 20s, and his incredible transformation impressively coined the term ‘Longbottoming’, which has got to be an achievement to proud of.

Viewers were quick to point out #HotRobinArryn’s transformation on Twitter

“Longbottoming” comes from Matthew Lewis, the Harry Potter actor who was once a chubby-cheeked kid wizard in The Sorcerer’s Stone in 2001 and now has washboard abs in his late 20s.
Sources: Unilad
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