Hulk is definitely one of the most underserved characters in the MCU. From undergoing a casting change to not getting any solo movies due to rights issues, Hulk has been a character who has not been particularly treated with kindness. As such, this has left Hulk fans wondering what’s next for him in the MCU after Avengers: Endgame.

Marvel To Bring A New Hulk Into The MCU

Bruce Banner version of Hulk will be retired by Marvel. Pic courtesy:
Bruce Banner version of Hulk will be retired by Marvel. Pic courtesy:

Hulk was last seen fighting in Avengers: Endgame with the Avengers against Thanos. But fans will also remember that he took a really big hit and injured his arm while trying to use the gauntlet and bring back the snapped people. It has already been established that he won’t heal anytime soon and the damage is said to be permanent.

So, it probably means that we won’t be seeing the Hulk anytime soon in the MCU. This, along with the She-Hulk tvshow which will come on Disney+ indicates that Marvel is ready to bring on a new Hulk. But this isn’t just our hunch, there have been rumours floating around of Marvel going forward with something of this effect.

Amadeus Cho Will Be The New Hulk

Amadeus Cho to take on the mantle of Hulk in the MCU. Pic courtesy:
Amadeus Cho to take on the mantle of Hulk in the MCU. Pic courtesy:

But this certainly doesn’t mean that we will not see the Bruce Banner version of the Hulk anymore. In fact, he is fully expected to make an appearance in the She-Hulk show. But Hulk fans have to realize that his time is coming to an end just as it was the case with all the original Avengers. It’s time for the Hulk mantle to be passed on.

If you are wondering who the new Hulk will be and are hoping that She-Hulk will be next in line, then we are sorry to disappoint you. It’s being said the Marvel is looking to introduce the Amadeus Cho version of Hulk in the MCU. But before he heads over to the MCU,  he will be getting his own Disney+ series to lay the base for his arrival.

Wikipedia describes Amadeus Cho as:

“A 19-year-old Korean American genius who’s the eighth smartest person on Earth. Cho succeeded Bruce Banner as the Hulk in The Totally Awesome Hulk #1 (2015). In contrast with Banner, who found his Hulk powers to be a burden, Cho is a confident character who revels in his newfound abilities.”

It should be kept in mind that Helen Cho, who is Amadeus’s mother in the comics has already showed up in the MCU in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Details on how he will be brought in the MCU and what his storyline will be is still unclear since planning is still in the very early stages for him. As for Mark Ruffalo, we feel like he will be fine with it, as long as the UK Prime Minister doesn’t go anywhere near the role.

Want to know more about the origins of Amadeus Cho? Then check out the video below:

Totally Awesome Hulk - Complete Story PT1  | Comicstorian

(Source: and

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