It has been recently revealed that the director of original Spider Man trilogy, Sam Raimi may be directing Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, replacing director Scott Derrickson. This has caused a major excitement among the Marvel fanatics around the world.


Will Bruce Campbell joining too?

Will Bruce Campbell joining too?
Bruce Campbell responds to Raimi’s tweet

Needless to say, fans’ expectations are rather high and have also raised the question whether Bruce Campbell also join the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Turns out, as soon as Raimi’s new broke out, the questions about the possibility of collaboration also reached Bruce Campbell, through the social media.


What does Campbell have to say on this?

In typical Bruce Campbell fashion, the actor only had a short, funny, blurb to offer in response to headlines that Sam Raimi is directing Doctor Strange 2: “Huh. That’s not strange at all.”


What should the fans expect?

What should the fans expect?
Sam Raimi to direct Doctor Strange 2

Even with a little humor in Campbell’s tweet, one thing is sure. Sam Raimi will be able to bring horror and humor together exactly the kind of mind Marvel would want for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Considering that Derrickson and Marvel Studios always seemed at odds over how much horror (or not) there should be in Doctor Strange. Also, Raimi knows from experience as to how and where to balance.

And most importantly, in a film that could visit any number of alternate realities, there not only needs to be a major cameo role for Bruce Campbell, but a visit to Raimi’s Spider-Manuniverse, as well. With Marvel Studios and Sony currently playing nice, this is something that could be possible and may happen sometime soon!


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Sources: Heroic Hollywood, Comicbook

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