The 21st century came with its own share of technology as well as technological troubles. One of the more prominent concerns has been in the online streaming category. With as many as three streaming platforms operating for mainstream content consumption, switching between different platforms and keeping track of subscriptions has proven to be a hassle.

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The panacea to Streaming Troubles

Recently at the Central Electronics Show held in Las Vegas Nevada from 7th to 10th January. The show saw many innovations and one of them was Dabby, a streaming device that is set to merge all your streaming platforms.

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The need for the consolidation of various streaming platforms on one device has been rising with the increasing number of online streaming platforms. A Deloitte survey conducted in March of 2019 found that 60% of Americans use some of the other streaming sites and 47% of them have expressed frustration with the growing number of subscriptions and services needed to watch their favorite shows.

Price and Features

Dabby is a dongle that plugs into your TV and then communicates through a touch screen tablet. Then you log into all of your subscriptions and the entire roster of all of them combined is displayed on the tablet. This process makes it easier to search for and watch what you want without switching to each different site and sifting through the content on them individually.

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Dabby also keeps you aware of how much time and money you spend on each service making it easier to manage your subscriptions.

All of this sounds great, but the device is priced at $400 which is a little steep for the average consumer. The device is set to be available for pre-order from March of this year.

What do you think about Dabby? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Comicbook



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