Scarlett Johansson’s Words On Minority Casting Taken Out Of Context, Read Her Full Comment Here
Avengers star Scarlett Johansson has found herself in the middle of two major casting controversies in just the past few years. The first one was when she played Major Mira Killian in Ghost in the Shell, which was a live action adaptation of a Japanese manga of the same name. After that she was cast as a crime boss called Dante “Tex” Gill who was a trans male in Rub & Tug. The internet has not been kind to her and her outspoken nature regarding her views on art and cinema. It seems like that isn’t stopping soon since fresh comments about this issue has cropped up again from her.
What Did Scarlett Johansson Say About Casting?

Even though she has generally remained quite about the online backlash, the actor opened up about it in recently. She sat down with AS IF Magazine and said that she feels like she should be able to play any role she seems fit, regardless of a whole variety of factors. She said:
“You know, as an actor I should be allowed to play any person, or any tree, or any animal because that is my job and the requirements of my job. I feel like it’s a trend in my business and it needs to happen for various social reasons. Yet there are times it does get uncomfortable when it affects the art because I feel art should be free of restrictions. I think society would be more connected if we just allowed others to have their own feelings and not expect everyone to feel the way we do.”
Scarlett Johansson Responds To Online Backlash

After the interview was released, a representative for Scarlett Johansson said to that:
“An interview was recently published [that] has been edited for click bait and is widely taken out of context. The question, I was answering in my conversation with the contemporary artist, David Salle, was about the confrontation between political correctness and art. I personally feel that, in an ideal world any actor should be able to play anybody. Art, in all forms, should be immune to political correctness. That is the point I was making, albeit [it] didn’t come across that way.”
She further said that:
“I recognize that in reality, there is a wide spread discrepancy amongst my industry that favors Caucasian, cis gendered actors and that not every actor has been given the same opportunities that I have been privileged to. I will continue to support diversity and will continue to fight for projects where everyone is included.”
Scarlett Johansson’s Comments During Rub & Tug Casting Controversy

Even though Ghost in the Shell made it to theatres, the early backlash over Rub & Tug prompted Johansson to part from the film. Her leaving the movie might very well have sent it to its early death since no additional casting has taken place after Johansson’s departure. Johansson had said at the time that:
“Our cultural understanding of transgender people continues to advance. I’ve learned a lot from the community since making my first statement about my casting and realize that it was insensitive. I have great admiration and love for the trans community and am grateful that the conversation regarding inclusivity in Hollywood continues.”
Johansson is in Avengers: Endgame, which is wrapping up its second theatrical release.
To know more about the backlash, click below:
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