She-Hulk, the highly anticipated Disney+ series about a woman who shares the same powers as her cousin Hulk but has no problem using them for good, just dropped its first trailer just in time. While Marvel definitely produced an exciting teaser that will likely fuel fans’ excitement up until the moment that it finally drops, She-Hulk seems to be getting mixed reactions from viewers who are not too impressed with what they have seen so far. Many fans are up in arms over the poor quality of CGI effects and shots of She-Hulk in the new trailer. The comic book heroine has yet to receive her big-screen debut, but that doesn’t mean studio execs can overlook her importance to Marvel fans.

Related: She-Hulk Director Confirmed To Direct Disney+ The Spiderwick Chronicles

She-Hulk will premiere on Disney+ on 17th August 2022
She-Hulk will premiere on Disney+ on 17th August 2022

Watch the trailer here:

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law | Official English Trailer

Bad CGI in Trailer Reignites Shrek Memes (How Twitter Fans Reacted)

Related: She-Hulk Villains We Want In The Series

Some People Are Defending She-Hulk’s Trailer As Well

Some people are defending the look of She-Hulk‘s CGI-rendered character from the trailer but many more have criticized it. Marvel fans hoping to see a live-action version of a comic book favorite may be disappointed by this first look, but those fans hoping for something less obviously CGI-rendered may get the fix they need when Marvel’s She-Hull series debuts on Disney+ in 2022.

Marvel and Disney+’s She-Hulk
Marvel and Disney+’s She-Hulk

With that being said, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is all set to get premiered on Disney+ exclusively on 17th August 2022.

EXTRA: Disney+ She-Hulk Series Reportedly Casts Howard The Duck

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