The trailer of She-Hulk was released and it could not smash as Marvel expected it to be. Mostly it was criticized for its CGI and did not have the appeal that the marvel series mostly has. The 1 minute 48 second trailer had some pretty moments but there’s something else hiding in the finer details that you might have missed: the return of Stark tech.

Stark Technologies is still prominent in the MCU 

Stark Technology Edith in MCU
Edith by Tony Stark was used by Spiderman NWH in MCU phase 4

Since Tony Stark has been dead for quite a few years in the MCU, Stark Technologies does not seem to be going away. In the past, Edith was one of the main gadgets that helped Peter Parker in Spider-Man No Way Home and we can expect a lot of new stark technologies. However, this time the tech will not go into the wrong hands and it’s in the great hands of Mark Ruffalo’s Bruce Banner. 

Checkout, She-Hulk: 5 Characters We Want To See In Cameo Roles In The Upcoming Show

What was the Stark Tech that fans caught

Stark tech in She Hulk
Stark Brand circular saws

In the She-Hulk trailer, when Jennifer Walters was in a cage during a transformation process, a rotating saw was seen. The eagle-eyed viewers caught the Stark Tech logo on them and it was Stark Tech Circular Saw. Though they were made of strong material, they did not seem to match the strengths of She-Hulk. 

Related: She-Hulk Villains We Would Love To See In The Show

Science Brothers: Tony Stark and Bruce Banner

Initial enemies later friends
The Most loved Science Brothers duo in the Marvel

The science brother has done various experiments in the MCU that the fans can not get over it: ULTRON and VISION. We have seen them working together and saving the world, but the question arises Was that circular blade saw made to stop the future hulk? Bruce Banner has helped Tony in making Hulk Buster and VERONICA in the past so one can easily assume that the science brothers had something more in mind. 

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