Ever since Britney Spears got out of her abusive conservatorship, the star has been overly active online. In the past few weeks, the singer shared several nude pictures of herself, which had the fans a little concerned. The singer also shared screenshots of her conversations with her mother and friends about the abuse she experienced during her conservatorship. It is no doubt that the singer is oversharing on the internet, and it seems like her treatment of Instagram as her public diary has fans concerned.

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Britney Spears shares a weird video of herself dancing

Britney Spears
Britney Spears shares cryptic video of herself dancing

Recently, the singer shared a video of herself dancing to Gomd in a red dress and brown heels. In the video, the singer kept on repeating the same step in different places, to the point where it seemed absurd and weird. Fans also noticed that the singer keeps on sharing the same videos while wearing the same clothes.

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Fans express concern over the Britney Spears’ latest video

Britney Spears with an award.
Britney Spears’ fans concerned over her Instagram posts

Her video made some of the fans concerned about her mental health. Some of them commented the following under her post:

“I love you Britney but these videos are making me anxious”

“These videos always look like she has been human trafficked, drugged, and forced to do dance while someone records her. Can you call the police to do wellness check on a celebrity?”

“The way she looks a few times beyond camera, to the left of her and the center…of someone or people controlling her moves & forcing her. It’s clear as day, she doesn’t want to do this!!! Pay attention!”

“In the last post a few people commented wear red if your in danger, now she wears red and captions the video “red” anyone else notice this?? maybe just a coincidence but wondering did anyone else notice?”

“Am I the only one who finds these videos uncomfortable?”

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Is Britney Spears in trouble again? Or is she just oversharing her life on the internet?

Britney Spears Instagram post might be sending a message
Britney Spears’ Instagram post might be sending a message

The singer also shared another post which was just a picture of a red screen. The post was captioned, “Red … you already know 🌹🌹🌹 !!!”. It is unclear whether the singer is just sharing her life on the gram or if she is in trouble. But this doesn’t stop fans from coming up with theories and assumptions about the singer’s life. Hopefully, the singer is doing well and is just going through a phase of figuring out the best way to use Instagram, even if it means oversharing a few things or just making videos that come off as weird but might be a way of her expressing her identity in an honest way.

Source: Instagram

Also Read: ‘Britney, We Need To Talk’: Britney Spears Trolled For Calling Tom Hardy a Random ‘British Guy’ on Instagram

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