Britney Spears has been going through a rough patch lately. The singer was recently criticized by her ex-husband, Kevin Federline, for being a bad mother. The singer’s ex posted several videos of her in which she was seen reprimanding her two sons,  Sean Preston, and Jayden James. Kevin Federline shared the videos as a way to paint a bad image of the singer. Even though the ex received a lot of criticism for his move, it is still sad to see the singer being defamed even after her conservatorship.

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Kevin Federline says kids don’t want to meet Britney Spears because of her Instagram pictures

Kevin Federline
Kevin Federline blames Britney Spears’ Instagram as the cause of her fraught relationships with the sons

Kevin Federline recently stated that the two sons don’t wish to spend time with their mother because of her Instagram posts. He stated,

“I try to explain to them, ‘Look, maybe that’s just another way she tries to express herself. But that doesn’t take away from the fact of what it does to them. It’s tough. I can’t imagine how it feels to be a teenager having to go to high school. The boys have decided they are not seeing her right now… It’s been a few months since they’ve seen her. They made the decision not to go to her wedding.

The singer’s ex was referring to Britney Spears’ recent Instagram posts in which she was posing nude. However, her private body parts were hidden, and the post did follow Instagram’s guidelines. Thus, the fuss about the posts seems just another way to slut-shame the singer.

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Britney Spears tells her side of the story

Britney Spears with her kids
The singer is unhappy with her kids’ behavior

The singer gave the fans more details about the situation and wrote on her Instagaram story,

“Yeah, I know that teenagers are just hard to deal with at that age … but COME ON, there’s being rude then there’s being HATEFUL. They would visit me, walk in the door, go straight to their room and lock the door !!! I’m like why come visit me if they don’t even visit me !!! But I never said that because I have to be kind !!!”

Whatever the singer is going through with her sons is clearly personal business, and the singer’s ex should not have made the details of their relationship problems public.

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Fans on Twitter believe it is cruel of the singer’s family to turn against her

Kevin Federline
Kevin Federline with Sean Preston and Jayden James

The singer’s fans on Twitter believe that she has been through enough as it is, having her family turn against her is just cruel.

Hopefully, Kevin Federline will realize that his desperate attempts at attention-grabbing are only going to make him the target of her fans. Thus, it is better for the ex to solve issues offline rather than create a fake narrative online.

Source: Twitter

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