Chappell Roan turned down an invitation from the White House. And, her refusal to perform at a Pride event set by the White House became a headline-grabbing moment at New York’s Governors Ball festival on Sunday.

Red Wine Supernova
Chappell Roan in a still from Red Wine Supernova (YouTube/Chappell Roan)

Dressed as the Statue of Liberty, she sent a strong message about freedom and rights. This is a big deal because some people compare it to what singer Lady Gaga did years ago when she spoke out for LGBTQ+ rights.

Chappell Roan’s Brave Move Resonates with Lady Gaga’s Iconic Moment

Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga (Credits: Instagram/@ladygaga)

Chappell Roan thought hard before turning down the White House invitation. On stage, she spoke directly to the audience, saying, “We want liberty, justice, and freedom for all. When you do that, that’s when I’ll come.” Her management confirmed her words to Variety, and the video of her statement was shown on giant screens.

The pop star caught everyone’s attention at the Governors Ball with a Statue of Liberty costume. It wasn’t just about the look. Roan quoted a famous poem (words inscribed on the 1903 bronze plaque in the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty), using it to strongly support freedom for all. She got emotional during her speech, but kept the energy up by quickly starting her next song, Hot to Go.

Roan dedicated her song My Kink is Karma to the White House, making her message even stronger. Some believe her stance was similar to Lady Gaga‘s activism.

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Gaga took a stand for LGBTQ rights during her performance in St. Petersburg, Russia, back in December 2012. The city had just passed a law banning the promotion of LGBTQ lifestyles to minors. Her defiance came just before Russia was considered passing a national law with a similar ban, but even broader in scope.

The Shallow singer wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. “I believe men and women deserve to love each other equally,” Gaga screamed during the concert. “Cuff me, Russia! Arrest me! I don’t give a f–k!, she added. While Mother Monster herself faced no consequences, The Guardian reported that the concert promoters were later fined a small amount of money.

Chappell Roan Rocked Governors Ball with LGBTQ-Inclusive Performance

Chappell Roan (Credits: Instagram/@chappellroan)
Chappell Roan (Credits: Instagram/@chappellroan)

Chappell Roan’s Governors Ball performance started with an Am I Gay? quiz on screens, which set a playful yet thoughtful tone. She came out from a giant fake apple, keeping up with the New York theme. Then, the 26-year-old performed her new song Subway. A lot of people in the crowd seemed to connect with the song’s lyrics, which include lines like, “Forget this city, I’m moving to Saskatchewan.”

The songstress is not just popular, she’s part of the LGBTQ community herself. “I love the queer community,” Roan told Variety last year. “When queer people are together, it’s the happiest, most vibrant feeling.”

Her music is hitting all the right notes with LGBTQ fans. Her catchy new song Good Luck Babe! and her electrifying performance at Coachella this year, both made her a household name. But unlike many stars, the Missouri native’s success comes from genuine connection with her audience.

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