Zack Snyder’s Justice League wasn’t exactly what fans saw in the theatres. It was more of a directorial mashup between Josh Whedon and Zack Snyder’s version of the Justice League. Upset DCEU fans have since then campaigned for Zack Snyder’s version of the movie to be released. They have put up posters at comic con and trended the hashtag #Releasethesnydercut many times. Now Zack Snyder is giving them the chance to own a custom-designed shirt to really be a part of Zack Snyder’s Justice League. And people must be loving it because the server crashed with orders. It makes us ask one question tho:

Why Do People Still Care About The Snyder Cut? #ReleaseTheSnyderCut

Zack Snyder Lets His Fans Be A Part Of His Justice League

Zack Snyder brings a new Snyder Cut Justice League t-shirt. Pic courtesy:
Zack Snyder brings a new Snyder Cut Justice League t-shirt. Pic courtesy:

Zack Snyder is selling a custom designed shirt to celebrate his work on the Justice League. But the money he gets from this won’t go to his bank account. He is actually raising money for suicide awareness. If you didn’t know, Zack Snyder has tonnes of fans and they flooded the site with demand pretty much as soon as Snyder tweeted out the link.

The site which sells t-shirts for fundraisers and charitable causes is now back up and running but it did tweet about how the site went down due to demand for Snyder’s shirt. One fan asked if it was just his computer or whether the site itself had gone down. Then the InkFor the People Twitter account tweeted, “Ya broke it.

READ MORE: Justice League Cinematographer Thanks Fans For Still Fighting For The Snyder Cut

All Money Will Go To Suicide Awareness 

Snyder Cut fans have previously donated money for suicide awareness as well. Pic courtesy:
Snyder Cut fans have previously donated money for suicide awareness as well. Pic courtesy:

The shirt, also available as a hoodie is being offered to raise funds for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, a nonprofit Snyder has worked with a lot since his daughter’s death in 2017. A lot of fans know that it was Autumn Snyder’s suicide which made Snyder step away from completing Justice League. So the AFSP has been a frequent recipient of donations from fans who support the Snyder Cut.

You can get the shirt from the site but you better hurry since it will be up for only 40 days. Ink for the People has very strict rules regarding the use of trademarked product. As for the Snyder Cut, it doesn’t look like it is going to happen from Warner Bros side because it’s going to cost millions to complete it. They have moved on from Snyder’s version of the DCEU to standalone movies which are doing well at the box office. Although there are always confirmations/rumours that the Snyder Cut is near completion with a completed score. Whether it will happen or not, honestly, right now it’s anyone’s bet.

READ MORE: All The Reasons Why Snyder Cut Just Isn’t Worth It Anymore

(Source: and

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