Tensions are rising among the fandom as the finale episode of the thrilling animated show X-Men ‘97 nears premiere. Fans have joined Marvel on this amazing ride that started with rebooting X-Men: The Animated Series and is now creating its own universe.

Fans can’t wait for the show to reveal the exciting end that caps all the adventures the mutant superhero team has had so far. Speculations as to what happens in the final episode are ongoing. In the meantime, fans can enjoy the second part of the three-part finale episode that released today.

Beau DeMayo Hints at an Emotion-Packed X-Men ‘97 Finale

Ex-showrunner Beau DeMayo shares homework before the X-Men '97 finale
Rogue with Captain America’s shield in X-Men ’97 | Marvel Entertainment YouTube

The ex-showrunner of X-Men ‘97 Beau DeMayo has been consistently praising the show and giving his followers context on how to approach each episode of the animated show. He is known to post on X (formerly Twitter) to give his followers some homework that can help them understand and appreciate the show better.

As fans waited with bated breath for the second to last episode of the show, Tolerance is Extinction part 2 to release, DeMayo posted a guide on how to manage panic attacks on his X account with the #XMen97. It is clear that he is trying to warn fans that after watching the latest episode, they may panic a bit and hence, the tricks in the poster can help them calm down.

The stakes for the finale episodes are too high. All the storylines will finally culminate into one incredible saga where the fate of all the mutants in the coveted X-Men team will be decided. The show has already been renewed for two more seasons, so it’s possible that the showrunners would want the excitement to continue as they end this season on a major cliffhanger.

Also Read: “Great minds my friend!!!”: Deadpool Creator Finds New Friend in X-Men ‘97’s Beau DeMayo After Vindicating 1 Underrated Steven Spielberg Movie Two Decades After Release

Spoilers Ahead: What Happens in X-Men ‘97 Episode 9?

Beau DeMayo used to be the showrunner for X-Men '97
X-Men ’97 | Marvel Entertainment YouTube

Many fans may have assumed that X-Men ‘97 might just be another nostalgia revival for Marvel to beef up fans’ excitement. However, the smashing reviews and reception of the show have propelled it to newer heights. The latest episode of X-Men ‘97 does everything to give the story a more focused direction and help set up the stage for the penultimate finale episode, albeit in more trendy and comic-accurate outfits.

The three-part finale episodes take cues from comic events like Fatal Attractions, Operation: Zero Tolerance, and E Is for Extinction. Episode 9 picks up the mutant’s battle with Bastion, showcasing the vital threat they face from enemies like Bolivar Trask and Master Mold.

X-Men '97
Wolverine – X-Men ’97 | Marvel Entertainment YouTube

Also Read: Beau DeMayo Has More ‘Homework’ for X-Men ‘97 Fans and This Time it’s a Comic Book Depicting Wolverine’s Worst Ever Fate

These villains have been teased since the very beginning of the show since they despise everything mutants stand for. With Magneto and Charles Xavier back on the scene, the war between the mutant heroes and the evil Bastion army continues in this episode.

The first season of X-Men ’97 is streaming on Disney+.

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