Cyberpunk 2077 has been one of the most awaited game in recent times.  However, since its release, it had so many bugs in it. As a result of a long sequence of growing problems for a much-hyped, much-criticized action RPG. Sony has unexpectedly obliterated Cyberpunk 2077 from its PlayStation Store platform.

Offering Refunds to the Players

Offering Refunds to the Players
Sony is offering refunds to the players through their official website.

Sony issued an official statement on their website about removing the Cyberpunk 2077. As per the company, they will be providing full refunds for players who have bought digital copies of the game via the store.

This move appeared just days after the dispersal of the news that Sony is providing refunds to players. Those who will approach them directly via their customer relations team. Sony traditionally has rigid refund policies that do not encourage users who have started downloading or pre-downloading a game to get refunds. The said policy was modified to remove “faulty” software that Cyberpunk had qualified as such.

The latest edition from CD Projekt Red, Cyberpunk 2077 has been tenacious since its announcement earlier this month due to its list of glitches. Especially on current-gen consoles. In spite of the developers’ prior promises, that current-gen versions would work smoothly. Players were horrified to find the game filled with glitches and prone to crashes. PC players have been less severely affected.  Although, they still reported some issues along with one infamous glitch. That causes a player character model to glitch into a naked T-pose while driving.

Promise of Resolving the Issues

Promise of Resolving the Issues
Sony has assured to update the game by January and February 2021

Through a post on their Twitter account, the company claimed significant updates in January and February 2021, to fix the most massive issues. Also, apologizing for misguiding players about the game’s state on current-gen consoles. Hoping if Sony will ever again return the game on the PlayStation platform.

Source: WhatCulture , TechStory

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