The 2017 American science fiction horror film Life, directed by Daniel Espinosa, starred actors Ryan Reynolds and Jake Gyllenhaal. The six-person International Space Station crew that found the first signs of extraterrestrial life on Mars was the main focus of the film.

When Life debuted, both the public and the reviewers responded favorably to it, but it was also compared to 1979’s Alien. The two friends, Ryan Reynolds and Jake Gyllenhaal played the title roles of Rory Adams, an American ISS engineer, and Dr. David Jordan, an American ISS medical officer, respectively. Before the film’s premiere and throughout its promotion, the two of them had a great time.

Read this: “It’s sad. They used to be so close”: Ryan Reynolds, Jake Gyllenhall Reportedly Ended Their Super-Prankster Friendship after Bitter Feud

Ryan Reynolds and Jake Gyllenhaal
Ryan Reynolds and Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal admitted Ryan Reynolds’ meanness comes from his nationality

Actor Jake Gyllenhaal, who appeared in 2019’s Marvel Cinematic Universe movie, Spider-Man: Far From Home, as the antagonist, joked during an interview that Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds’ mean attitude comes from him being Canadian.

During an interview with Wired back in 2017 where they answered the most searched questions about them online, one question that came up for Reynolds was “Is Ryan Reynolds mean”? To which Gyllenhaal jokingly said what else can be said, “He’s Canadian”.

Ryan Reynolds and Jake Gyllenhaal
Jake Gyllenhaal said Ryan Reynolds is mean because he is Canadian

Viewers commented in the video that getting the two actors to answer the questions nicely and honestly is a dream because they are a laughing riot together. When Gyllenhaal appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, he revealed that the producers of the movie had to pull them aside and tell them that their on-set antics were becoming a challenge for filming. He said,

“They brought us into the corner and they were like, ‘You guys need to cut it out. We are wasting so much money!’ We’re starting a bromance.”

Read this: “My closest family members were a gay couple”: Marvel Star Jake Gyllenhaal Accepted $178M Movie to Honor His Family That Was Turned Down by Mark Wahlberg for Being Too Disturbing

Is Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool 3 Marvel Studios’ last hope?

Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Deadpool 3, starring Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman, who are close friends with Jake Gyllenhaal, is considered the last hope for the studios really been as recent movies haven’t really been up to the mark of expectations.

With Hugh Jackman reprising his role of Wolverine, it has been said that Deadpool 3 can be seen as a rebirth of the MCU, as the studios along with the fans have a lot of expectations of the movie. It was recently revealed that the actor believes in getting what he wants and getting Jackman to reprise his role as Wolverine in the third part of the successful movie franchise.

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman in Deadpool 3
Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman in Deadpool 3

Hugh Jackman shared a public video asking Reynolds to stop asking him to play Wolverine because he was not interested. Jackman said, “Ryan, hey buddy, how are you, mate? Ryan, I love you man. I love Deadpool. I can’t wait to see the movie. You’re one of my best friends. Blake, the fam, the whole thing, but…back it up a little. It’s just…play a little hard to get. It’s too much. It’s not sexy. Am I right? It’s not. Sorry about that.” 

Reynolds further explained, “I’ve been trying to get him to play Wolverine again and he just won’t listen. He insists on singing and dancing brilliantly elsewhere, so I don’t know. I’m going to have to step up my game a little and post his cell phone number online.” 

Reynolds was successful in making Jackman reprise his role as well as donning an iconic outfit from the comic books.

Read this: “Holy sh-t! It was crazy”: Ryan Reynolds Claimed Infamous $220M DC Flop Was Avoidable, Kept Filming It For an Honorable Reason

Jake Gyllenhaal aspired to play Leonard Bernstein in Maestro 

Actor Jake Gyllenhaal wanted to play Leonard Bernstein in the upcoming movie, Maestro, starring Bradley Cooper. Gyllenhaal was one of the front-runners for the part, but it eventually went to Cooper.

Jake had expressed over the years how he was interested in creating a Bernstein movie, even though his estate had declined Gyllenhaal’s proposal, but granted the film rights to Bradley Cooper, which will be released on November 24th, followed by a Netflix release on December 20th.

Jake Gyllenhaal wanted to play Leonard Bernstein
Jake Gyllenhaal wanted to play Leonard Bernstein

Jake Gyllenhaal’s comment to Deadline about feeling heartache about missing out on a project resurfaced as the trailer of Maestro went live. He said,

“No one likes to admit this, but we got beat at our own game. There’s always another project. Sticking your neck out, hoping to get to tell the stories you love… is something to be proud of. I mean, this is our life. Gotta enjoy it. Bottom line… I wish them the best.”

The movie starring Bradley Cooper, Maya Hawke, Sarah Silverman, etc. is going to release on November 24th, 2023 in theatres and later in December, it will stream on Netflix.

Source: YouTube 

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