The Simpsons is one of the greatest American Sitcoms which came out for the first time in 1989. Doctor Strange may control time but The Simpsons have offered innumerable jokes and many of those have actually come true like Trump becoming the President.
The fans claim that maybe the creators have time travelled to know these things for real!
Here are certain predictions we predict you would be impressed with!


1.  Corona Virus And Murder Hornets


Osaka Flu Simpsons

Unbelievable but true; in an episode aired in 1993, an Asian factory worker spreads the contagious “Osaka Flu” to Springfield and everyone rushes to find a cure and accidentally knock a van with killers bees inside. Murder hornets incident in America did coincide with coronavirus in 2020.


2. Disney Taking Over Fox


The Simpsons

In 1998, the series showed Fox as a “Division of Walt Disney Co”. In March 2019, Disney took over Fox films and TV assets for 71.3 billion dollars. Spooky!


3. Video Calling



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In 1995, an episode showed a fortune teller transported Lisa to 2010 . She talks to Marge via “video chat” called a “Picture Phone”.  Hollywood movies too have predicted this over years; but what happened in 2010? Apple co founder Steve Jobs announced FaceTime.


4. Hacked Voting Machine


simpsons voting

In 2008 episode, Homer went to cast a vote for Obama but instead his vote went to the Republican McCain 6 times. Interestingly in 2012, the EVM was actually swapping votes from Obama to the Republican nominee Mitt Romney.



5. Farmville


simpsons yard work

In 1998 an episode showed a kids where excited to play in an yard work simulator. In 2009, Farmville was very famous for the same and people rushed home to tend their farms.



6. Smart Watches



simpsons smart watch

Smart watches were launched in 2013 but an episode from 1995 set in future showed Lisa’s husband speaking to a phone on his wrist.



7. Lady Gaga Incident



lady gaga simpson
There was an episode called “Lisa Goes Gaga” where Lady Gaga is shown suspended by cables flying over people at the concert. Surprisingly, her performance at Super Bowl LI’s HT show, Gaga descended from the roof with suspension cables… it was pretty much the same outfit from Simpsons. Scary.



8. Olympic Gold Medal



In a 2010 episode, Homer and Marge beat Sweden and took Olympic gold medal for USA in a Mixed Match Curling. In 2018 Winter Olympics, USA men team beat Sweden to win the Gold Medal. Shocking considering both beat Sweden.


9. Grease Gamble



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In 1998 episode, Homer and Bart make money by stealing grease from Krusty Burger and Bart’s school. In 2008 as per NYT article, due to high prices of oil, there was a black market for grease and a man stole 300 gallons from a Burger King.



10. Tiger Attack



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An episode aired in 1993 showed magicians in Siegfried and Roy like show got attacked by their tiger. In 2003, Roy was attacked by one of their tigers during live performance. He had injuries but lived.

All these incidents are mindblowingly scary!

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