The stars of the upcoming Skywalker film are in the eye of the storm. With the movie fever, all-around fans are trying to figure out what’s next after the galaxy far away. In the thick of things, John Boyega came right on TV. Some exciting ideas were discussed in the interview. The actor replied to an old rumor about his interest in a Marvel role during the press availability. The star had already spoken about the Marvel Cinematic Universe years ago. However, this time, he sounded a bit different from the previous ones. He even revealed his plans for the time after Star Wars.

John Boyega’s Interview

john boyega
Star Wars Fame John Boyega

In a recent interview, Boyega revealed some interesting facts recently. It seems the actor had sat down with Marvel Studios many years ago. Due to his disparate career interests, he chose not to go that way. The actor has just finished Steve McQueen’s Small Axe. He has also been acting in ‘They Cloned Tyrone movie. He also signed for an action-based film with Kevin Costner. The Star Wars actor says his commitment to his next projects is of extended versatility. He certainly wanted to touch all the genres presumably.

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John Boyega

The Interviewer also asked him about his life after Star Wars. To the question, the actor charmed and made funny comments. Boyega said he is ready for Life after Star Wars. The actor surely is so excited to explore life after Star Wars. He feels terrible to move apart from his incredible and loving co-stars like Daisy and Oscar, though. Let’s hope the real world soon going to see these people’s relationships flourish.

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John Boyega at a Ceremony

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is set to release in theaters on December 20th.

Source: ComicBook

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