The heroes are coming back in the first trailer for the upcoming Star Wars series titled Andor. As the name goes, the series stars Cassian Andor from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (played by Diego Luna) as he, with his compatriots, battles the Galactic Empire during operations for the Rebel Alliance. Andor is currently slated for two seasons, each having 12 episodes. The first season will hit Disney Plus on August 31.

Watch the trailer below:

Andor | Teaser Trailer | Disney+

The show shall take place sometime between the Republic’s fall and Rogue One, and it provides fans with a day-to-day look at the Rebellion. As the trailer reveals, the focus is not on the Organas but on Cassian instead, Mon Mothma (Genevieve O’Reilly), alongside other rebels who are performing ground operations to take on the Empire. The show also includes Stellan Skarsgård, playing a vital role as a Rebel leader.

Here’s the tweet:

The trailer premiered at the Star Wars Celebration, where Disney also revealed a new poster for Andor.

Tony Gilroy Opened Up About Andor

Andor official trailer poster

The show’s writer and creator, Tony Gilroy (who has also worked on Michael Clayton), also made an appearance during the announcement at Celebration to further explain the two seasons of Andor. The first 12 episodes will reveal half of Cassian’s storyline with the Rebellion, while the next 12 episodes will lead up to the beginning of Rogue One. Gilroy also went on to add that they are also working on another set of episodes, which could mean a 2023 release date.

Andor will have twice as many episodes as Obi-Wan Kenobi

While this is the first trailer of the series, it isn’t our first look at it after all. Last year, Disney debuted a short BTS video to provide Star Wars fans a little sneak peek at the series. In the footage, we see a few glimpses of the series itself, but mostly we get a look at the rehearsals, props, makeup, and the craftspeople that lent a hand to making the series.


Source: Twitter

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