Pulp Fiction, directed by Quentin Tarantino and released in 1994, stars John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman, Bruce Willis, Tim Roth, and other notable actors. It is today regarded as one of the greatest cult masterpieces of all time. The term Pulp Fiction refers to hardboiled crime novels and pulp magazines that gained popularity in the middle of the 20th century due to their graphic violence and snappy banter.

The film had its world premiere at the 1994 Cannes Film Festival, where it was able to take home the Palme d’Or and went on to become one of the most lauded films of all time grossing over $213 million at the box office. Pulp Fiction has a particular place in the hearts of genre fans even today, and it helped launch the careers of the actors who starred in it. However, it’s interesting to note that Steven Spielberg had predicted the future of the movie. Let’s find out.

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Quentin Tarantino
Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino recalls Steven Spielberg predicting the future of Pulp Fiction 

During an appearance on Howard Stern’s show back in 2022, ace filmmaker Quentin Tarantino revealed that Steven Spielberg had predicted the way the 67th Annual Academy Awards would turn out for his movie. He said,

“I was the new kid in town, and they were all really impressed with Pulp Fiction. But one of the things that Steven wanted to do was, ‘Look, you and Bob Zemeckis are going to be in competition the whole rest of this year with Forrest Gump and Pulp Fiction. So, before that competition starts, maybe it’d be nice if we all went off and did something together to keep in mind we’re all artists and we’re all friendly.”

The director noted that Spielberg takes immense pride in understanding the business well and so he was talking to Tarantino very pragmatically, adding that they were walking through a forest where the director had told him that he was going to win the Best Original Screenplay.

Quentin Tarantino and Steven Spielberg
Steven Spielberg predicted the future of Quentin Tarantino’s movie Pulp Fiction

Tarantino said to Stern, “He’s like, ‘So, here’s what’s going to happen at the Oscars’ — and we haven’t even been nominated yet. ‘I think it’s going to be Bob who wins Best Picture. And I think it’s going to be Bob who wins Best Director — in fact, I’m pretty sure of it. But, I do think you’ll win Best Original Screenplay.’ “

Pulp Fiction won the Academy Award for Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay as Spielberg had predicted.

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Quentin Tarantino says Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is his best movie

During the interview, Howard Stern asked Quentin Tarantino about his favorite from his career graph to which he said, “I really do think Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is my best movie.” The movie starred Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt in the movie.

He added, “For years … I’d say something like, ‘Well, they’re all like my children,’ … And then I would change it to, ‘Well, it kind of depends on when you ask me’. But [now] I really do think ‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’ is my best movie.”

Quentin Tarantino's Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio starrer Once Upon a time in Hollywood
Quentin Tarantino’s Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio starrer Once Upon a time in Hollywood

In his book, Tarantino noted that Spielberg’s 1975 Jaws is one of the seven perfect movies that inspired him to be a filmmaker. He pointed out that they are close friends now.

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Quentin Tarantino is not interested in superhero movies

The director shared with Stern that things are very different for the younger generation now espeically when it comes to Superhero movies, which he said he had realized after he spoke to a fan who had been talking about how he saw the first Iron Man when he was four or five fans, so he noted that for the young fan, Marvel movies and DC movies are simply movies and there is no competition to show that there could be something else.

On asking if he’d ever be interested in making a superhero movie, he said, that he has never been someone who preferred CGI over practical effects, which is hard to find in franchises like Star Wars, Transformers, and Marvel, which makes him not too eager to make a superhero movie. He said,

Quentin Tarantino
Quentin Tarantino is in not interested in making a superhero movie

“I’ve never really been a big ‘do a bunch of special effects later’ kind of guy … I come from the idea that if you didn’t shoot it on the day, it didn’t count … I work with make-up effects, and I work with animatronic effects. I have the best effects team in the world and … they’re going to create it and we’re going to do it on stage. We’re going to capture it on film, not give it to a bunch of dweebs to spend six months adding it in later.”

Quentin Tarantino has said that he loves his movies and he has been making them for him and everyone else is invited to witness them.

Source: People

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