Stormbreaker Was Created to Assassinate Thor-Infinity War Theory Revealed
The Stormbreaker from Avengers: Infinity War may have been designed to assassinate Thor:

The Stormbreaker from Avengers: Infinity War may have been designed to assassinate Thor (Chris Hemsworth). For a long time, Mjölnir was the God of Thunder’s favored weapon. But, after Hela (Cate Blanchett) shattered the mystical hammer in Thor: Ragnarok, he was compelled to acquire Stormbreaker in preparation for the Avengers’ war against Thanos (Josh Brolin). What Thor may not realize is that the battle-axe was designed to neutralize him. The Infinity Saga storyline of Thor was riddled with tragedy. In Thor: Ragnarok, he suffered two losses: the death of Odin (Anthony Hopkins) and the devastation of Asgard. Given this, it’s not a surprise that he was hell-bent on exacting revenge on Thanos when he mercilessly murdered Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and Heimdall (Idris Elba) along with half of the other Asgardians at the opening of Avengers: Infinity War. Instead of returning to Earth to rejoin his other Avengers, the God of Thunder travelled to Nidavellir in search of a “Thanos-killing-kind” weapon from the master blacksmith, Eitri (Peter Dinklage). Fortunately, Stormbreaker was brought by the King of the Dwarves.
The battle-ax is very strong, as demonstrated in both Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame:

As shown in both Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, the battle-ax is a tremendously strong weapon. Thor would have easily destroyed Thanos if he had gone for Thanos’ head in Wakanda. However, Stormbreaker’s origins might be rather dark since one legend indicates that it was designed to murder the Asgardian Prince instead. Thor proceeded to Nidavellir, unknowing of the weapon’s existence. Eitri was the one who brought out the mould after Thor persuaded him to assist him in stopping the Mad Titan. The Stormbreaker is “a king’s weapon, supposed to be the best in Asgard,” according to the Dwarf King. Eitri didn’t go into any additional detail, but because Odin had been the Asgardian monarch for aeons, it’s plausible that he was the one who had it created in case Thor lost his path and turned insane like Hela. After learning a hard lesson from his firstborn, the previous allfather may have spotted Thor’s poor habits and thought that it was necessary to have a backup plan in case he followed in his sister’s footsteps. Furthermore, the name “Stormbreaker” appears to be a hidden hint to the battle-possible ax’s real-world utility, as Thor is also known as the God of Thunder. With Odin no longer alive, there’s no prospect of confirming whether or not this Avengers: Infinity War idea is genuine. That is, until Eitri makes another appearance in the MCU after Avengers: Infinity War and discusses Stormbreaker’s origins. Given the presence of the ax’s mould, it’s likely that whomever commissioned Eitri to make Stormbreaker discussed its intended use. If it was actually Odin who requested its creation, the Dwarf King would have understood whether or not it was intended to neutralize Thor. Perhaps this is also why Eitri didn’t explore much into why he had that particular mould in the first place. Eitri didn’t want to bother Thor with the news that his own father had commissioned a hidden axe designed to slay him, especially since Odin had just died.
Fortunately for Odin, Thor did not follow in Hela’s footsteps:

Fortunately for Odin, Thor did not follow in Hela’s footsteps. Despite the fact that the Avenger is still prone to making errors, as demonstrated in Avengers: Infinity War, he has mainly learned his lessons; everything he does is done with good intentions. He isn’t eager for power, as proven by his willingness to abdicate the Asgardian throne in Avengers: Endgame despite knowing he wasn’t ready for the task. In any case, with the God of Thunder’s primary weapon being the Stormbreaker, Marvel Studios still has the potential to address this issue.