American media franchise named Arrowverse shared universe that revolves around multiple interlinked television series mainly airing on The CW and web series airing on CW Seed.

The Iconic Supergirl Sisters

 alex in wonderland supergirl
Supergirl siblings no less than each other.

Kara isn’t the sole Danvers sister to uphold the position of Supergirl in an upcoming episode from Season 5. The CW has delivered a promo for the season’s 16th episode, titled “Alex in Wonderland,” which observes Alex use Obsidian technology to chill in a virtual reality world. Here, she develops her own version of Supergirl prior to her friends, realizing that she’s trapped within her new persona.

The Virtual delusions

 alex in wonderland supergirl
Virtual delusions can only revive her back into the real world

As the team scatters to liberate Alex, Obsidian Tech CEO Andrea Rojas notes that only a safe shock can revive her back to the real world, leaving the longtime character hopelessly clinging to her virtual delusions.

Problems caused by COVID-19

 covid 19
The wrath of pandemic COVID-19

In the period of the growing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, release on the remaining episodes of Season 5 has been dangled as a precautionary measure, following suit from other CW productions in the Vancouver area. There has been no news on how this will affect the remainder of the season, which is presently slated to air its season finale in May.

Supergirl 5x16 Promo "Alex in Wonderland" (HD) Season 5 Episode 16 Promo

Sources: It’s covered from, Wikipedia, Twitter

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