American comedian Chelsea Handler revealed that her high school will not induct her into its hall of fame because she has been open about having abortions. The comedian had her monologue on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” and shared that she had three abortions while attending her New Jersey high school. 

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Chelsea Handler
Chelsea Handler

Chelsea talked about why the school did not induct her into its Hall of Fame

On the show, Chelsea asked about what men on the internet said about her, and replied “I don’t because I don’t give an f–k,” which lead to the audience’s applause. Later she said, “I recently found out that my high school in New Jersey, Livingston High School, is refusing to induct me into their alumni Hall of Fame.”

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Netizens’ reaction to Chelsea’s statement

After her statement, the netizens responded in their own way referring to the abortion laws.

“you have trouble legislating your own body,” said a user to Chelsea. 

A user tweeted, that they have standards unlike Chelsea

Users also supported @LivSchools for not including Chelsea in her Hall of Fame.

“My God, three abortions and she is proud.” a user showed grief and said abortions are not used for birth control. 

Chelsea Handler’s reaction 

Chelsea Handler
Chelsea Handler

The comedian referred to “Seinfeld” alum and former state governor and said, “Jason Alexander and Chris Christie made it, but not me.” Chelsea revealed that her school did not induct her into the alumni Hall of Fame. “Apparently, the school is upset about how much I talk about my abortions, so I decided to start a grassroots campaign. You should donate to Planned Parenthood, and then march, and then vote, but after you’re done with that, go online and tweet a message to the school district for my alma mater”

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Chelsea Handler’s comment came after the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion throughout the US. “Have fun with it. Make me proud, Livingston High, the hall is in your court.” Chelsea concluded. 

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