Theory Time: Thor 4’s Jane Foster Might Arrive From Another Reality!
Taika Waititi certainly shocked the entire crowd at SDCC when he brought out Natalie Portman on stage and announced that she will be playing Female Thor/ The Mighty Thor in Thor: Love and Thunder. This announcement certainly came as a shock since it has generally been assumed that Natalie Portman’s time in the MCU had come to an end. She and Marvel parted ways after 2013’s Thor: The Dark World and she didn’t even return to shoot new scenes for Avengers: Endgame.
But inspite of it all Thor: Love and Thunder does promise to see Jane become more than a love interest. But the question remains as to how Jane Foster will enter Thor’s life again? sure MCU could just bring her back like nothing happened or maybe, just maybe she could be from a different reality. Let’s figure out how.
A Destroyed Mjolnir Could Mean A Jane Foster From Another Reality!

But before we tackle the question of Jane Foster, there is another question regarding the Mjolnir. Fans will remember that The Hammer was destroyed in Thor: Ragnarok by Hela. So the one which was used in Avengers: Endgame was brought from another timeline. It was also returned to its own timeline by Captain America at the end of the movie. As such the question arises as to how can Jane Foster become the Mighty Thor if she doesn’t get the Mjolnir, let alone become the Mighty Thor. But Avengers: Endgame does show that Mjolnir might as well exist in other timelines and that it is possible to get those.
MCU Will Explore The Multiverse In Phase 4

It’s also important to know that writer-director-Taika Waititi had indicated that his movie will draw inspiration from Jason Aaron’s comic run which saw Jane Foster wield Mjolnir as the Mighty Thor. This is contrary to what he did while working on Thor: Ragnarok. Back then he said that he didn’t even read one Thor comic properly. As such Taika announcing the name of the comic that he is adapting from possibly means that even minor elements might be relevant to Thor: Love and Thunder. It’s also important to note that Aaron’s story ran through the Multiversal “Secret Wars” arc, which saw every alternate reality collide together. So it really wouldn’t be a surprise if Waititi lifts the idea of a Thor arriving from another Timeline.
These could point to the assumption that Jane Foster’s Thor could possibly originate from an entirely different reality. This would allow Waititi to avoid reversing Mjolnir’s destruction and also fit the growing emphasis on the Multiverse, perhaps flowing organically from Doctor Strange 2.
Thor: Love and Thunder will be released on 5 November, 2021.
To know about the full story of Female Thor Jane Foster, click on the video below: