Samuel L. Jackson’s led Secret Invasion was one of the most anticipated television series of 2023. The talented actor reprised one of the most loved characters of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Nick Fury in the show. Agent Maria Hill played by actor Cobie Smulders was also part of the story.

Secret Invasion
Secret Invasion

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Maria Hill’s run with the Secret Invasion franchise came to a halt with the premiere episode. The character’s association with the series abruptly came to an end with her death. Producer and writer Brian Tucker explained the abrupt ending of Maria Hill in an interview with a media outlet.

Producer Explains The Objective Behind Maria Hill’s Death In Secret Invasion

During an interview with The Direct, writer and producer Brian Tucker spoke about Secret Invasion. He even explained the actual reason behind ending the character of Maria Hill played by actor Cobie Smulders in the series.

Brian Tucker emphasized that Maria Hill was killed to depict the scale of danger the group of Skrulls and Adir Gravik played by actor Kingsley Ben can pose to the Earth. He said-

“One of the kind of just most important decisions that we had to make early on was to really illustrate the scale and the reality of the danger that Gravik and his rebels pose to humans. And to do that, we couldn’t allow all of our characters to make it out safely.

Secret Invasion
Maria Hill’s death in Secret Invasion

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While talking about the show, he said-

“This is a contest for the planet. It’s being fought on the ground and it’s gonna be bloody. There will be casualties in this conflict, and that means making those tough decisions to say goodbye to beloved characters.”

The twist in the plot was given out way back in August by the showrunner Ali Selim. He had mentioned-

“I don’t know what’s going to happen to Maria Hill or Talos. They’re dead. One is burned, and the other is buried. But in the MCU, anything can happen. So, where are they going to end up? I don’t know.”

The MCU producer clearly pointed out that the killing of Maria Hill was extremely important to highlight the enormity of the terror the Skrulls can impose on Earth.

Cobie Smulders Was Surprised To Know About The Fate Of Maria Hill

During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter in June this year, Cobie Smulders spoke about her character Maria Hill in Samuel L. Jackson-led Secret Invasion. The 41-year-old actor opened up on the shocking fate of Maria Hill and even mentioned that it could be one of the biggest twists of the year. She said-

“I was told right away. [Marvel Studios co-president] Lou D’Esposito gave me a call to chat about just joining up [on Secret Invasion], and so I’ve known about it for years, which is really funny.”

The How I Met Your Mother star further explained-

“There were a lot of people around, so I’m surprised that there wasn’t an image that got leaked. I guess that’s the respect that Marvel has earned over the last decade, which is like, ‘Don’t spoil it for people.’ And nobody did, thankfully.”

Maria Hill was killed at the end of the premiere episode of Secret Invasion by the Skrull rebellion leader Adir Gravik, who tricked her by shapeshifting into her long-time colleague Nick Fury played by actor Samuel L. Jackson. Marvel fans were highly disappointed by the sudden ending of Maria Hill’s character in Secret Invasion
Secret Invasion is currently streaming on Disney+.
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