Deadpool (2016) and Deadpool 2 (2018) parted from the conventional form of the classic superhero film with raunchy, irreverent humour and over-the-top violence. Comedic all-stars Ryan Reynolds and T.J. Miller brought “maximum effort” with an onslaught of one-liners and sight gags, while secondary players like Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, and Zazie Beetz filled within the action-packed gaps. However engaging as the movies maybe, the absolute most clever minutes from the Deadpool cast came from their trip interviews and late-night guest spots. Across an array of interviews, we learned that Josh Brolin’s love for Ryan Reynolds knows no bounds, which the Deadpool actor himself may need even as foul a mouth as his character. Beyond that, there have been even some pearls of wisdom about avoiding adulthood. These are the simplest interviews from the Deadpool cast.

1. Love What You Do

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Jim and Leslie / Tumblr

2. A Conflicted Romance

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blueskyandpudding / Tumblr

3. A Lil’ Crush

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4. No Spoiler!

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5. Method Shredding

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6. A Role Swap

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7. Representation

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8. Pen Pals

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9. Can’t Contain Himself

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blueskyandpudding / Tumblr

10. Sometimes You Just Know

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11. The Real Deal

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12. A Mostly Handsome Ensemble

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13. A Special Connection

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14. A Modest Proposal

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15. A Real Peter Pan

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16. Baby Got Back


17. Mutual Sacrifice

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18. He Earned It

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19. The Last To Know

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Rob Moran / Daily Life

20. Sorry, Not Sorry

Emilia Svens / Pinterest

21. Search Party

which avenger would you recruit in the x force fanz 35270247

22. Maximum Effort

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gifdeadpool / Tumblr

23. Practice Makes Perfect

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blueskyandpudding / Tumblr
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