In January 2023, the world held its breath as the talented Jeremy Renner came close to a near-fatal snowplow accident. Hailed for his holistically immersive performances, battling aliens and supervillains on screen, the action star faced a real-life fight. The accident left him with severe injuries and a daunting road to recovery. 

Jeremy Renner speaking at the 2014 San Diego Comic Con International
Jeremy Renner speaking at the 2014 San Diego Comic Con International | Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

Yet, even amid these physical challenges, Renner shared what it is to be a father—revealing the depths of his resilience. In a tender and heartwarming moment, he shared an emotional speech with his 11-year-old daughter, Ava, who was brutally shaken by his accident. 

Jeremy Renner’s near-fatal accident and a heartfelt message to daughter

Jeremy Renner at State Theatre, Sydney, Australia
Jeremy Renner at State Theatre, Sydney, Australia | Wikimedia/Eva Rinaldi

Jeremy Renner experienced a harrowing, near-death snowplow accident that left lasting physical and emotional scars. In a conversation with Kelly Clarkson on The Kelly Clarkson Show, Renner speaks about the disaster and its effects on her daughter. Opening up about the painful experience, he said,

I know, to me it felt like I maybe just got the wind knocked out of me. But I did break 38 bones, my eye came out of my head… yeah, I was pretty terrible. 

When Clarkson asked how Renner’s little girl coped with the accident, he poignantly remarked that she felt like she had one foot in the grave. He then opened up about the touching message he shared with his daughter while recovering. Revealing the depth of their emotional bond, the action star continued, 

That was hidden from her, the initial 14 days. But like, I even forgot about my daughter—that’s how messed up I was in this accident.

Further reflecting on his harrowing snow plow accident, Renner candidly said that upon returning home after a few weeks, he found his sister there the whole time. Having realized the gravity of the situation, he mentioned how everything kicked in for him. He vividly described the fear in his daughter’s eyes, further emphasizing the focus on reassuring her about their shared journey. 

Continuing the conversation, The Avengers actor laughingly mentioned how he looked at himself in the mirror and realized what a mess he was. He shared, 

Yeah, I looked at myself in the mirror, but that was a hot mess. Man, I was a hot mess!

Calling his daughter his “life force,” he spoke about how he encouraged her to be okay with the situation at hand. He said to her that these are just 38 broken bones and that “they’re all going to heal.” Renner then takes on how traumatic and painful it was for his loved ones when he was hurt. 

As a devoted father, he promised his 11-year-old that he was going to be alright and she should wait for him. True to his words, he set out on his healing journey. Renner started writing songs and used music as therapy. He worked with his girlfriend, Lyanna, and wrote down a bunch of music. The 53-year-old spoke about healing:

Doing it musically was very cathartic for us—and even for my daughter, because she was a part of it.

Renner mentioned music therapy as his ultimate solution to healing. He’s said to have made songs out of his ordeal, bringing friends and family into recording of an EP known as “Love and Titanium.” This creative outlet has likely been used to release feelings as a form of therapy—and the fans are rather pleased about that.

Renner’s unwavering commitment to family and fatherhood 

Jeremy Renner at the world premiere of Avengers: Age of Ultron at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, California.
Jeremy Renner at the world premiere of Avengers: Age of Ultron at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, California | Wikimedia/Josh Jacks

Jeremy Renner focused on healing completely, not just for himself, but for his daughter. This is a brilliant testament to his character, showcasing his unwavering commitment to family and fatherhood. 

Ava, as a young, innocent 11-year-old, it must’ve felt like a gamut of emotions. The video interview with Kelly Clarkson demonstrates Renner’s sensitivity and emotions, pointing out the need to be candid as a parent, especially during difficult times. 

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