With every weekly episode, X-Men ‘97 is unlocking more nostalgic memories and brightening the Marvel Universe with more splendid stories. The animated show has carved a unique niche for itself that people thought was impossible for revivals and reboots.

Not only has it brought back the past viewers who enjoyed X-Men: The Animated Series, but also roped in more fans who fell in love with the vibrant animation and interesting narrative. It’ll be years before we see a project like X-Men ‘97 grace our television screens and leave the audience mesmerized.

X-Men ’97 Cameo Sparks Rumors of Spider-Man Animated Series Revival

James Gunn praises Marvel's X-Men '97
Marvel’s X-Men ’97

Similar to how X-Men: The Animated Series got molded into being X-Men ‘97 today, fans are hoping that Marvel wakes up and capitalizes on the opportunity to make Spider-Man ‘98 inspired by the events of Spider-Man: The Animated Series. The web-slinging hero was seen in the most recent episode of X-Men ‘97 when Magneto sends the entire Manhattan into utter chaos by disrupting the power signals.

This is not the first character to appear on the show thus, bridging the gap between X-Men and the MCU. Earlier, we saw General Ross appear in an episode, who we know as a villain from the Hulk storyline. Doctor Doom and Baron Zemo have also been spotted in the animated show X-Men ‘97. However, Spider-Man’s appearance has sparked the most uproar as fans are requesting Marvel to revive the character’s standalone animated series too.

Also Read: One Spider-Man Show is Perfect for an MCU Resurrection after X-Men ’97 if This Marvel Rumor is True

Cyclops and Jean Gray in X-Men ’97

This is mostly because the Spider-Man who made a cameo was none other than the one who headlined the 1994 animated series. Therefore, this opens up the doors for the MCU to make another animated universe with all the superheroes from comics and their respective villains. The success of X-Men ‘97 has certainly helped the cause for animated series and how important they can be in consolidating the fandoms.

Spider-Man Voice Actor Has Not Been Contacted for a Revival

Spider-Man: The Animated Series
Spider-Man: The Animated Series

Christopher Daniel Barnes, who voiced Spider-Man in the 1994 animated series took to X to write a heartfelt post about the love and appreciation the character has been receiving. However, at the same time, he expressed that he had not received a call from Marvel with a plan to revive the animated series on Spider-Man.

Also Read: Why Brad Winderbaum Never Even Considered Modernizing X-Men ’97: “Our #1 rule was…”

Fans have in turn reacted to the news and are urging Marvel to make the Spider-Man animated series revival happen soon. They have flocked to his post to express how much they loved the show and his version of Spidey. Barnes will forever be linked to his Spidey voice acting as fans consider him the Kevin Conroy of Spider-Men.

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