Earlier a filing by Angelina Jolie claiming abusive behavior by Brad Pitt on the 14 September 2016 flight had already gone through court papers and an FBI investigation, including the Oscar-winning former couple’s divorce settlement. According to the case, her ex-husband hit one of her kids and choked another while on a plane and even verbally abused and poured alcohol on his family.

Angelina Jolie claims Brad Pitt as an abuser
Angelina Jolie claims Brad Pitt is an abuser

Also read: Jennifer Aniston Teases Dating Rumors With Ex-Partner Justin Theroux As Brad Pitt Struggles With Abuse Allegations, Makes ‘Troy’ Star Regret Leaving Her For Angelina Jolie

Netizens are showing enough amount of support for Angelina Jolie after she alleged that her ex-husband, Brad Pitt is an abuser. However, the actor denied the allegations placed against him and claimed she is “ruining the family.”

Brad Pitt Sources Claim Angelina Jolie Has Poisoned Their Kids Against Him

Brad Pitt and his kids
Brad Pitt and his kids

Related: “Her story is constantly evolving”: Brad Pitt Challenges Angelina Jolie’s Abuse Accusations, PR Team Reveals ‘Maleficent’ Actress Is Rehashing And Revising Her Story To Defame Ex-Husband

After the incident, the family fell apart and now Brad Pitt shares a bad relationship with his kids. According to the sources who are defending the actor after denying all the claimed charges, they say this is happening because his ex-wife Angelina Jolie has ‘poisoned’ them against him. A source also claimed that the actor has a limited and strained relationship with his six kids because of his ex-wife’s hate campaign and allegations against him.

According to Ok Magazine, after the incident, his elder kids essentially “kicked their dad to the curb years ago.” Other sources say that Jolie’s repeated attempts to accuse her ex-husband as a child abuser have taken an extreme toll on their six kids. After the investigation, Angelina Jolie claimed Brad Pitt was an unfit parent who should not have any custody but the judge listened to the evidence and gave 50/50 custody to them, denying her constant allegations.

Related: “The white male privilege is astounding”: Brad Pitt Gets Slammed By Fans For Allegedly Abusing Angelina Jolie and Kids, Ask When Will The Academy Ban White Male Abusers Like They Did Will Smith?

Brad Pitt Is Innocent According to the FBI

Brad Pitt denies the charges placed against him
Brad Pitt denies the charges placed against him

Other sources also pointed out that Brad Pitt has never publicly disrespected or uttered a single bad word about his ex-wife, which shows affection and love towards their kids however, he’s deeply wounded by how they all turned against him because of false allegations and the way Angelina Jolie is handling the situation. They once used be romantic partners when they married in 2014, later Angelina Jolie filed for divorce in 2016 and then separated ways back in 2019.

Source: geo tv