Chet Hanks Under The Limelight After Revelation Of An Untold Truth
Tom Hanks is famous for his involvement in some of the most renowned films of his time. While he’s known as the kindest guy in Hollywood, Hanks’ wife, actress Rita Wilson, is a star in her own sky. His two adult kids from a previous marriage, Colin Hanks and Elizabeth Hanks are also in the acting industry, and Tom and Rita’s youngest, Truman Hanks, seem to prefer working behind the scenes as a production assistant. Chester Marlon Hanks the third Hanks offspring happens to go by Chet Hanks or Chet Haze who is definitely divergent compared to his family.
In 2011, Chet made a statement to the Chicago Tribune, “Because of who my father is, people have always had their preconceived notions about me. People are always are going to have their minds made up”. You’ll likely be surprised to find out the untold revelations about Tom Hanks’ son.
SURPRISE -1: Chet Hanks is a rapper

Chet Hanks is not only a rapper on TV, but he’s also one in real life. Yes, Tom Hanks’ son is a hip hop artist which shows his divergence from the whole family. Years ago, a young Chester Marlon Hanks renamed himself as Chet Haze. While Haze seems to get less-than-pinch support from his fellow alumni, he’s not letting that barrier his attempts at a music career. That’s perhaps why he’s also an instrumental part of a duo called “Something Out West”, which sounds like a mix of country and rap, and FTRZ with Drew Arthur.
SURPRISE-2: Chest Hanks is a millionaire, but he is not as rich as his family
Chet Hanks could not reach the ultimate mark of success in terms of acting and rapping. But that doesn’t mean that he’s strapped for cash. Whether he was provided with a decent trust fund from his well-off parents or has achieved significant deals for himself, Hanks has around $3 million to his name, according to Celebrity Net Worth. This brings out the wealthiness in the family despite facing several ups-and-downs.
SURPRISE-3: Chet Hanks sports a LOT of tattoos

Lucky for Hanks he is loaded because he likes to spend plenty of cash on tattoos. The actor and rapper often post shirtless photos of himself on Instagram in order to show off his collection of body art depicting abstract stories behind them. This is a trait of divergence in the Hanks family. With an enormous amount of cash in the family pocket, the younger Hanks likes to spend some bucks painting up himself.
SURPRISE -4: Chet Hanks craves for motorcycles

When Chet Hanks is free and wants to treat himself, he looks up to the motorcycles to quench his thirst. While relaxing, he is likely to drift into unknown roads with his motorcycle. He’s usually spotted with his classic black Harley Davidson bike.
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