“Everyone Wants A Happy Ending, Right? But It Doesn’t Always Roll That Way.”―Iron Man

TonyStark is a fictional character portrayed by Robert Downey Jr. in the MCU movie franchise based on the Marvel Comic character of a similar name. Stark is also known as Iron Man. In the movies, Stark is an industrialist, genius inventor, hero, and a former playboy who is the CEO of Stark Industries. Towards the starting of the series, he is a primary weapons maker for the military of the U.S. until he had a change of heart. He redirects his technical knowledge into the production of mechanized armor suits, which he uses to defend against those that would compromise harmony all throughout the planet. Tony is one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s leading figures, having shown up in eleven movies since his introduction in Iron Man that was released in 2008. The character and RDJ’s performance have been assigned to establish the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a multi-billion-dollar establishment. Stark’s evolution is regularly being viewed as the characterizing bend for Marvel Studios. Everybody in life commits errors, and it’s okay to commit mistakes. Committing mistakes doesn’t make you look dumb, but do you realize what does make you look idiotic? Not gaining from your mistakes. Life is all about gaining from your mistakes. Indeed, even those we idolize likewise also commit errors, yet they learn from them and proceed. Actually, just like our beloved Tony Stark has done. Even though Tony Stark is a genius, he is one of the Avengers, a superhero team known for making blunders. He had committed a few errors yet gained from them and came out stronger than he ever was. His mistakes made him one of the mightiest Avengers on earth. So down below is the list of errors that Iron Man made!!

#13 GPS:



#12 Icing problem:



#11 The Watch:



#10 Lightning Blast:



#9 Mark 42 Armour:



#8 His Iron Legion:



#7 Hulk Buster suit:



#6 Blasters:



#5 Stabilisers:



#4 Fighting with Whiplash:



#3 Rescue Armour:



#2 Frozen:



#1 Thrusters:


So Yes, These are the 13 mistakes that Tony Stark made, and they made him more powerful. Learning from your own mistakes is a must because it makes you a better person, making Tony the smartest and intelligent man in his universe.
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Source: SuperHero ERA

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