Top 5 Comedy Movies To Look Forward To Next Year
Because there are still movies that have been postponed from 2020 owing to the epidemic, 2022 will be one of the busiest years in film history. While movie theatres are packed with big blockbusters and superhero films all year, there are also a lot of mid-budget comedies.
There are some strange comedies on the release calendar, with the Jackass gang reuniting, Nicolas Cage portraying a fictionalized version of himself, and a musical sequel to Bob’s Burgers. There are, however, just as many schmalzy and upbeat romcoms.
5. The Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent

At this stage in his career, Nicolas Cage is more recognized as a meme than an actor. He is an Academy Award winner who has been in a slew of great ’90s action films, but Cage currently only stars in direct-to-video films. However, this is precisely why The Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent has the potential to be an amazing meta-comedy.
Nicolas Cage plays a fictitious version of himself in the film. In the film, Cage must escape perilous circumstances by employing techniques he acquired from the action heroes he has played over the years. Surprisingly, it appears to be the largest and most intense action film in which Cage has featured since the 1990s.
4. Marry Me

The film stars Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson as a Latin music singer who decides to marry a stranger (who was holding up a ‘Marry Me’ sign) after discovering that her spouse has been having an affair. Expect the usual rom-com fare, especially when it comes to surprising couplings!
Surprisingly, despite the fact that the bulk of comic book adaptations is in the superhero genre, Marry Me is based on a graphic novel of the same name. However, the film is unlikely to represent the start of a cinematic universe.
3. Legally Blonde 3

Elle Woods is perhaps Witherspoon’s greatest part, and what could have been a frivolous narrative about a snooty law student became a global success because of the inspirational and entertaining Elle (and her adorable dog). The film had so much heart (and who doesn’t enjoy seeing a heroine realize her worth?) that it spawned a sequel and a Broadway production.
Legally Blonde launched Reese Witherspoon’s career in 2001, and while she’s been in a slew of other films since then, fans have been waiting for Legally Blonde 3 for a long time. Legally Blonde 3 has been a long time coming, and it has suffered the most from the pandemic of any film, having been scheduled for release two years ago, but it eventually arrives in May.
2. DOG

Channing Tatum has been quiet for a while, having not had a significant live-action part in five years, but with The Lost City and now Dog, 2022 is shaping up to be the actor’s year. In the road trip film, an army ranger travels cross-country with a military working dog, and things don’t go well.
The dog is misbehaving, but as the ranger gradually teaches the dog how to be trained, the Belgian Malinois becomes the man’s greatest buddy. And, while it’s officially a comedy, it appears to be a tearjerker as well. Hopefully, the conclusion will be less tragic than Marley and Me.
- I Want You Back

Charlie Day has a diverse range of film jobs under his credit, including playing the most quirky character in the renowned It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia and having the most animated voice. Day is everywhere in movie theatres and on streaming sites, whether he’s voicing a monster in a Pixar film or portraying a crazy scientist in Pacific Rim. And I Want You Back is the latest rom-com starring Day.
What makes the film so intriguing is that the plot sounds just like one of Charlie’s plots from Always Sunny in Philadelphia. In the forthcoming Amazon original, two people attempt to win back their ex-partners by sabotaging their present relationships.