Underrated ’90s movies come in all shapes and forms. They are way too many to count. But if you really want the ’90s kid in you to be happy, make sure to give these underrated ’90s movies a try.

Out Of Sight

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Out Of Sight

The ’90s were an era where the crime thriller genre reached its absolute pinnacle. One good crime movie after another hit the big screens and took us aback. Within all that conundrum, really good underrated ’90s movies like Out Of Sight went…..well, out of sight. The movie is about a bank robber who starts a professional relationship with a US Marshall as he tries get the biggest score of his lifetime. The movie plays roulette with some 20 odd, wonderfully fleshed out characters. It also has a sort of crossover with another one of the author’s many works, which the movie is based upon. Michael Keaton, who plays Ray Nicolette in the film, was also there in Jackie Brown, another movie based on the same author’s other best-selling novel.

What About Bob?

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What About Bob?

The reason new age movie goers are starting to realize and understand that a movie like What About Bob? exists is outstanding. With mental problems and issues with social identity becoming more prevalent. What About Bob? is one of those rare underrated ’90s movies that helps us relate with the lead character. The movie tells us the story of a very awkward, clumsy, and mentally unsound patient and his relationship with his psychiatrist. The movie is essentially a comedy but it does have its moments. At times. you see yourself in the patient ans he grows and addresses the issues that ail him.

The Rocketeer

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The Rocketeer

The movie – The Rocketeer came at a time when Hollywood rarely dabbled in the superhero genre. Science fiction was more the ballgame of space operas and time travel flicks. And Disney did not exactly have a good history with superhero movies, barely having any experience in the genre. The Rocketeer came in 1991. With its clean visuals and special effects well ahead of its time, it wowed audiences all over the globe. The story is about a stunt pilot who finds a rocket powered jet-pack and becomes a flying vigilante. The new Rocketeer project may help us visit those golden times of the ’90s.

The Long Kiss Goodnight

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The Long Kiss Goodnight

Hollywood knows Shane Black to be one of the greatest writers of the crime-action drama genre. But back in 1996, he was at the very zenith of his game. His stories generally tend to pit two polar opposites character in a team. In Long Kiss Goodnight, a private investigator teams up with a woman suffering from memory loss as they investigate a brutal murder. The epic twist in the end will leave you ijn utter disbelief, claim fans.


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Another genre the ’90s Hollywood often overlooked was the coming-of-age movies. Rushmore is one of the rare times show business tried to experiment in this genre. Rushmore is a very unique and one of the best underrated ’90s movies. A brilliant high school student is trapped in a love triangle with his teacher and mentor. If you are a fan of Wes Anderson movies, then the inner movie geek in you would love to give this film a shot. As far as underrated ’90s movies go, this helped shape the trend of indie movies for many generations.

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