Vin Diesel Still Wants To Play Black Bolt In The MCU, How Soon Will It Happen?
Vin Diesel And The Black Bolt Saga

In 2014, shortly after the release of the first Guardians movie, Vin Diesel suggested on Josh Horowitz’s Happy Sad Confused podcast that he was waiting for a “a dope script” and “a great director” from Marvel so that he could do the character of Blackagar Boltagon justice.
In 2020, after two Guardians movies and the end of the Infinity Saga, there’s still no news about the Black Bolt script or director. Is it because MCU isn’t interested in the character? Not quite. In an interview with, the actor implied that it may partly depend on the demand of the fans. He then said:
“Let’s just say it’d be a real practical joke on Vin to give him a character that says three monosyllabic words and then follow up with another character that says nothing. Crazy? You saw that.”
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Will The Black Molt Movie Happen?

There have been whispers for a while that the Inhumans could get a reboot in the MCU. Reports have even suggested that a new line-up will be introduced in the upcoming Ms. Marvel TV show on Disney Plus. But for now, it looks like nothing is fixed. Fans shouldn’t attach themselves too much to an idea of a Inhumans reboot. But having some fan petitions going will not be a bad idea. Jussayin.
As for Diesel, there’s no Guardians 3 for now but he will certainly be busy with Fast & Furious 9 which comes out on May 22nd.
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