• Andrew Garfield has had his fair share of love stories in movies.
  • We Live in Time is the second movie in which Garfield's love interest passes away.
  • Director John Crowley said that the original fate of Florence Pugh's character was different.

Andrew Garfield might not be big on sharing the details of his off-screen love life, but his on-screen characters have had some of the most heartfelt love stories. From Peter Parker’s youthful romance with Gwen Stacy in The Amazing Spider-Man movies to the devoted love between Hacksaw Ridge‘s Desmond Doss and Dorothy Schutte, the actor has given the world some great love stories.

Jacob Elordi to replace Andrew Garfield in
Andrew Garfield in Under the Banner of Heaven | Source: FX

He has hit the cinemas with yet another romance drama, We Live in Time, and it seems to be the continuation of a trend one of his movies started years ago. As nice as it is, it would be a welcome break not to have him star in a movie in which he does not have to bid farewell to his love interest.

One Trend in Andrew Garfield’s Romance Movies Needs to Be Let Go Of

Peter Parker crying after Gwen Stacy's death in The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Peter Parker crying after Gwen Stacy’s death in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 | Source: Sony Pictures Releasing

Andrew Garfield has starred in movies of many diverse genres ever since he started acting professionally. Romance dramas, musicals, superhero films, biographical dramas- you name it. A subgenre in his movies is romance dramedy, meaning his partner passes away at the end of the movie, and the audience leaves the theatres shedding tears of sadness.

Grief is an emotion Garfield is familiar with and he often openly discusses it during interviews. His outlook towards grief is unique and has been praised by many. He became all too familiar with the emotion when his mother passed away due to pancreatic cancer in 2019. The Social Network actor deals with a similar situation in his recent movie, We Live in Time.

At the end of the film, the audience concludes that Florence Pugh’s Almut passes away due to ovarian cancer, leaving behind her partner, Tobias (Garfield), and their daughter, Ella (Grace Delaney). This tragic ending effectively had the audience passing tissues to each other as if watching Tobias and Almut’s struggles with the deadly disease was not sad enough.

Fans of the Tick, Tick… Boom! star have seen witnessed a similar ending before when Peter Parker fails to save Gwen Stacy from dying. That ending remains one of the most heart-wrenching endings to a love story to have ever graced the screens. However, maybe, Garfield should try starring in a rom-com in which they live happily ever after.

The Ending of We Live in Time Was Originally Different

we live in time cancer florence pugh
A still from We Live in Time | Source: A24

Cancer is a disease to which many people have lost their loved ones. While it is treatable, there are still some cases in which doctors fail to save the patient. Once death takes away people from us, the loss of these loved ones can never be fulfilled in real life. So, all we can do is pass on their legacy to the next generation.

At the end of We Live in Time, Tobias can be seen doing something similar. However, there could have been a different ending than Tobias and Ella losing Almut. In his conversation with TODAY, director John Crowley admitted that Almut could have lived because the ending in the film’s script showed Almut returning to their apartment and announcing that she was in remission.

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