Often called Queen of Camp, Katy Perry is regarded for her influence on modern pop music and her camp style. She is one of the most influential musical artists in the industry and has a string of popular songs, including I Kissed a Girl, Hot n Cold, California Gurls, Teenage Dreams, and more, under her name.

Katy Perry
Katy Perry in Dark Horse Music Video | Katy Perry’s YouTube

Perry is known to be one of the best-selling artists of all time. She also released an autobiographical documentary titled Katy Perry: Part of Me in 2012. She served as a judge on American Idol from 2018 to 2024 and is one of the most admired celebrities. Howevwer, a recent collaboration for her new album has had Katy Perry under fire.

Katy Perry receives backlash over rumored collaboration with Dr. Luke on Woman’s World

Following her departure from American Idol, Katy Perry announced the first single, titled Woman’s World, from her upcoming sixth album. The single is scheduled for release next month. The artist teased the song by posting a picture on her social media in metallic armor-like pants and a bikini top. She later teased a selfie-style video on TikTok, singing a few lines of the upcoming single.

Perry shared the video on her Instagram with lyrics that read, ‘Sexy, confident, so intelligent, she is heaven-sent, so soft, so strong.’ Fans have mixed reactions to the lyrics, with some mentioning that they feel like ‘2016 Hilary Clinton Presidential Campaign material’. Some noted that the lyrics sound like a poem from an elementary school.

Katy Perry
Katy Perry is rumored to have collaborated with Dr. Luke | Katy Perry’s YouTube

Talking about the upcoming album, it’s been four years since she dropped Smile, which had a handful of singles, and eventually became her weakest-performing album in years. According to reports at the time, Smile was marketed as a rebirth following the backlash the artist received for her 2017 album Witness.

Katy Perry’s lyrics are not only the reason why she is being criticized, as it is also due to the fact that she collaborated with Dr. Luke and Max Martin. (via Rolling Stone). The label said that the singer knew exactly the album she wanted to make and had assembled a team to make it happen.

Perry has, however, not commented on the collaboration. Still, netizens believe that Dr. Luke is the one who produced the new single and is disappointed in Perry because he was the one accused of r**ing Ke$ha when she was 18 years old. The music producer had sued the pop star in NYC, claiming that her accusations were defamatory and untrue. After a decade-long legal battle between the two, Dr. Luke and Ke$ha settled in 2023, but fans did not forget how the entire case affected the singer.


Fans reacted quickly to the news of the collaboration and noted, ‘How are you going to call your lead single, Woman’s World, then work with Dr. Luke’, while another user wrote, ‘We will not be supporting’. Someone in the comment section mentioned that Ke$ha was right about Perry, while another wrote, ‘no words.’ Perry has not commented on the situation yet.

Kelly Clarkson explains why she won’t be replacing Katy Perry following her exit from American Idol

Katy Perry announced her departure from American Idol, alongside Luke Bryan and Lionel Richie, and Kelly Clarkson was rumored to take the spot, but in an interview with ET, she revealed why she won’t be heading to judge.

I can’t do that, only because I promised my kids. I was like, ‘I want to be there as much as I possibly can’. And it would put me in L.A., and that’s why I had to quit The Voice, and I love that team. And I miss them so much.

Katy Perry
Kelly Clarkson won’t replace Katy Perry on American Idol | Katy Perry’s YouTube

She further explained that she wanted a life for the kids and herself, as they enjoy going to the park every day. Clarkson said that as a parent, one gets a limited amount of time, until the kids no longer want to hang out with them.

Luke Bryan suggested that Meghan Trainor could be the one who takes a seat on the panel following Perry’s departure. He also mentioned that the singer has always been fun and can be a good addition to the team of American Idol. The All About That Bass singer, was asked by ET about the possibility, and responded,

There’s nothing I want more in life than to be a judge on American Idol. That is my ultimate bucket list dream come true. Please, please consider me on your show. Please, American Idol! Please! I’m ready. Alright, yeah. I would love to.

ABC is yet to announce the new judge for Season 23.

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