Greatest Batman Comic Book Arcs of All Time

By Anadya Narain

DC Comics

Here are the Dark Knight's twisted, turned, and batwired through some of the most significant story arcs in comic history. 

DC Comics

Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth

This Batman story is not a superhero tale, but more of a horror story with thim being  sent into Arkham Asylum after the inmates took control. 

DC Comics

JLA: Tower of Babel

Babel explores the fallout when his superpowered comrades realize Batman never truly trusted them.  

DC Comics

Death of the Family

With a title that reminds people of Jason Todd's death, Death of the Family puts Batman and his allies in the Bat-Family in the Clown Prince of Crime's crosshairs. 

DC Comics


Batman’s pursuit of a deadly new enemy who knows far too much about him brings him into contact with some of his greatest foes. 

DC Comics

The Black Mirror

In this story, Dick Grayson is serving as Batman during a time when most of the world thought Bruce Wayne was dead.  

DC Comics

Three Joker

This was a DC Black Label story that presented the idea that Joker was not one person, but was three different villains. 

DC Comics

The Long Halloween

This occurs early in Batman's crimefighting career and focuses on a killer named Holiday, who kills individuals on specific holidays. 

DC Comics

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