One of the most talented actresses working today, Jessica Chastain, has won accolades throughout the years for her parts in feminist-themed films. She is well-known for her roles. She was very well appreciated in Zero Dark Thirty but Chastain credits the success of the movie to Tom Cruise. She became well-known after starring in the films Interstellar (2014) and The Martian (2015).

The film Zero Dark Thirty, which was written and directed by Mark Boal and Kathryn Bigelow, dramatizes the almost ten-year international manhunt for Osama bin Laden, the head of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda. Upon its premiere, the film was widely praised for its direction, acting performances, storyline, sound design, and editing. Let’s find out how Tom Cruise is responsible for the success of the movie.

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Tom Cruise made it possible for Jessica Chastain to star in Zero Dark Thirty
Jessica Chastain in Zero Dark Thirty

Jessica Chastain credits her Zero Dark Thirty success to Tom Cruise

In an interview with THR, Jessica Chastain shared that she would never have been able to make Zero Dark Thirty if it wasn’t for Tom Cruise. She explained,

“I got cold-called by Kathryn Bigelow. I was in Toronto, and I had heard from Megan Ellison. We had done a film, 2012’s Lawless, together. And she said, ‘By the way, do you know Kathryn Bigelow’s trying to get a hold of you? She wants to meet with you on something.’ And I was like, ‘What? Please give her my number.’”

Chastain said that she accepted the part even before she read the screenplay, but she was signed to make another movie which she was excited to be a part of as it starred Tom Cruise. She further explained,

Tom Cruise made it possible for Jessica Chastain to star in Zero Dark Thirty
Jessica Chastain credits the success of Zero Dark Thirty to Tom Cruise

“When this came my way, I realized I had to do this. And the person who made it possible for me to make this movie is Tom Cruise. Someone contacted him from my agency and said, ‘Listen, she wants to work with you. And she would love to, but there is this other film, and it’s so important.’ And he said, ‘OK, we’re going to let you out of your contract.’ ”

The two of them did not get a chance to work together again and the movie she was signed onto making was 2013’s Oblivion. She said she hopes she gets a chance to work with Tom Cruise in future because she would love that. Chastain earned her first Academy Award nomination under the Best Actress category for Zero Dark Thirty, thanks to Tom Cruise.

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Jessica Chastain revealed she spoke to the real woman to prepare for Maya

During the interview, she was asked about her process of preparing for such a role, to which she said that she knew the real CIA agent and before they shot the movie, she had only spoken to her. Chastain added,

“She’s an incredible human being. But it’s very important to her that she maintains her privacy, which to me is completely understandable. But she is an exceptional person. She worked for the CIA. She is the person Maya’s based on. There are some things that are — like all movies: All movies based on true stories connect some storylines that weren’t in reality connected.”

Tom Cruise made it possible for Jessica Chastain to star in Zero Dark Thirty
Jessica Chastain

Jessica Chastain said she wanted to talk to her to know why the mission was so important to her, to which the woman told her that 9/11 had a massive impact on her because it is how the actress started to develop her character. Chastain was highly lauded for her character portrayal and the movie is considered as one of her best works.

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