Halloween costumes:

70% of the people dress up as superheroes for Halloween. The costumes range from drab to sexy. Usually, costumes come in different sizes and colors and designs but there isn’t different section for maternity wear. What do you do if you want to wear a superhero costume while you are pregnant? The new Avenger’s movie Avengers: the endgame has the solution for you! There are a plethora of superheroes that you can copy like iron man, batman, superman, wonder woman, Thor, etc.

Costume for the pregnant ladies:


Costume for the pregnant ladies:
Thor costume in different colors!

Ever wonder what costume would suit you best if you were pregnant? The ones who have watched ‘Avengers: the end game’ are aware of a special hero with a new look. That’s right! It’s none other than Thor. Thor has come up with a new costume ‘Bro Thor’ that pregnant women can dress up as for this year’s Halloween. The costume includes a basic white or grey t-shirt. The t-shirt is paired with a fur jacket or any winter jacket. The bottoms are basic plaid loose pajama pants. It is the most comfortable costume of all time. You can move around freely and even sleep and crash at a party on a comfortable couch!

Who dressed like Thor?


Who dressed like Thor?
The hairstyling.

‘FingalMyDopple’ is a Reddit user. She is 32 weeks pregnant and she posted a photo of her dressing up in this new Thor costume. She has even very cleverly compared herself with the Thor in the movie by posting their pictures together. For her hair and makeup, she has left her hair open with a center parting and she is seen wearing very cool black sunglasses. She pulls off the look better than the Thor himself!

She made the statement saying ‘ at 3 weeks pregnant this is the most relatable Halloween costume for me..’.



Source: comic article, Reddit image.


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