• Elon Musk's trans daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson, legally changed her name and gender in 2022.
  • Wilson described her troubled childhood, revealing that Musk attempted to suppress her femininity.
  • Musk believes Wilson was influenced by progressive ideologies and that he was tricked.

The world’s richest man, Elon Musk, is known for his futuristic innovations and also for his larger-than-life ambitions. He is undoubtedly a visionary in the world of tech, and his philanthropic contributions are also well-recognized globally. However, despite all these, Musk’s personal life has always been a topic of controversy.

Elon Musk
Elon Musk | Image by Tesla Owners Club, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Musk is known for having polarizing views on many socio-political issues. His opinions about free speech and his take on global matters have often divided people. Even his own family could not escape his impact, especially his transgender daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson.

About Vivian Jenna Wilson and Relationship With Elon Musk

Vivian Jenna Wilson
Vivian Jenna Wilson | Credit: Vivian Jenna Wilson’s TikTok

Vivian Jenna Wilson was earlier known as Xavier Musk. This was heavily in the news in 2022 when she made a legal switch on her name as well as her gender. Her decision was more controversial, as she wanted to cut ties with her father in the papers she filed.

Wilson is the daughter of Elon Musk and his ex-spouse, Jennifer Justine Musk (born Jennifer Justine Wilson). She was born along with her twin brother, Griffin Musk in the year 2004. In an interview by NBC, Wilson said that she came out twice, once as a gay at 8th grade and later as transgender at the age of 16.

Wilson decided to change her name and identity legally after she turned 18. According to NBC, she stated in her legal filings, “I no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape, or form.” Her transition came at a time when Musk’s opinions about LGBTQ+ issues started gaining attention. 

Such a decision to cut ties with the biological father showed how strained their relationship was. Wilson also said in the interview with NBC that Musk was “uncaring and narcissistic.” She described how Musk used to scold her for being feminine and used to force her to be more masculine during her childhood.

Wilson’s mother was supportive of her daughter’s decision and came out in support of her on X. However, Musk has made some comments about the matter since Wilson’s legal filings. However, Wilson strongly believes that she is an adult now and that her life should not be determined by other people.

Did Elon Musk Disown Vivian Jenna Wilson?

Elon Musk
Elon Musk | Credit: TED YouTube

After the public feud between father and daughter, the big question that comes to everyone’s mind is whether Musk has disowned his transgender daughter after she came out. Based on available information, the two have definitely cut ties.

Wilson’s decision to legally cut relations with Musk was not made within a day. It has been built up since she was a child. Walter Isaacson, who has written Musk’s biography Elon Musk mentioned that according to Musk, his daughter has become a “full communist” and she believes that anyone who is rich is evil.

Musk has spoken about his relationship with Wilson in an interview with Jordan Peterson where he revealed why he didn’t support her transition. Musk said that his son Xavier was “killed by the virus of the progressive mind.” He further added,

Basically, they deceived me to make me sign documents for one of my older children. They told me that Xavier might commit suicide if he didn’t get [puberty blockers].

Musk further revealed in his X post that Wilson was “born gay and slightly autistic” which contributed to her “gender dysphoria.” On the other hand, Wilson had something else to say. In her NBC interview, she said that Musk was not tricked by anyone and “he knew the full side effects.” She added,

I have been basically put into a point where, to a group of people, I have to basically prove whether or not I was suicidal or not to warrant medically transitioning. It’s absolutely mind-boggling.

Wilson also mentioned how Musk was “10% of the time” during his half custody, and his emotional unavailability also became a factor in their strained relationship. Although there have not been any comments about disowning his child from Musk’s side, it can certainly be said that they now share an estranged relationship.

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