Why Maria Rambeau Is a Way Better Captain Marvel Than Carol Danvers
The first female hero to take the name of Captain Marvel was ex-Air Force officer Maria Rambeau, who wielded the most incredible power on Earth – that of super-speed. Modern-day Carol Danvers is arguably more powerful than her predecessors but what makes Maria the greatest superheroine around has everything to do with intelligence and power. Here are 5 reasons why Maria Rambeau is a way better Captain Marvel than Carol Danvers –
Energy Transformation
Some superheroes can absorb energy, but Maria Rambeau has the unique power to transform into different types of energy from all over the electromagnetic spectrum. For example, storing a large number of gamma rays might make her extremely powerful; she could use that power to defeat an enemy. This is beyond what the current Captain Marvel can do. While Carol Danvers may be able to absorb some information or even increase her strength by absorbing sunlight, Maria can also change into forms of matter and light like cosmic rays.
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Maria Rambeau Can Incorporate New Energies
Mastering the different kinds of energies may have taken a while, but now it is her second nature. Maria can adapt many kinds of energy put into her way and can use them at her own discretion. However, this does take some time for her to master as she learned it herself. In fact, in Avengers/JLA crossover, Maria got affected by Green Lantern’s rings’ powers. However, within a few minutes, she managed to absorb Green Lantern’s ring powers.

Carol Danvers’ powers make her invisible to the tracking equipment. But apparently, she needs to reappear to fight someone for real. On the other hand, we’ve got Maria, who can make her whole body completely invisible, including the very spark of life that guides it. This means she can venture into—or rather, hide inside—other wavelengths and not be detected by anyone or anything attempting to hang out in them too.
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Maria Rambeau Is Better Because Of Her Immorality
Carol Danvers is almost indestructible but she is not immortal. Like other Kree warriors, she ages slowly; however, it will be slower than most because her powers are derived from the Kree version of Superman, who operates on a different timestream so he remains somewhat ageless. On the other hand, this did eventually wear off for Maria; she had already won our hearts!

Better Leadership
Maria Rambeau has the power of persuasion, and she’s used this power on many occasions to her advantage. It’s important to remember that intelligence is a leader’s greatest weapon of all: knowledge is indeed power! This is perhaps why Maria was chosen as a presidential advisor without having any true metahuman abilities.
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