Due to Disney’s acquisition of 20th Century Fox on March 20, 2019, Marvel Studios has tons of roles to cast from teams like Fantastic Four and the X-Men. In the same group is none other than the iconic mutant Wolverine in the MCU, who is arguably one of the most popular Marvel heroes on-screen, all thanks to Australian actor Hugh Jackman’s portrayal over 17 long years.

As MCU is still searching for the perfect replacement for the Wolvrerine in various fan casts. Taron Egerton, who went on to make a name for himself in acclaimed and successful projects like the Kingsman series and Rocketman. Taron Egerton has also commented on the whole intriguing idea of taking on the role on any occasions, even admitting how that it would be very exciting to join a franchise as big as the Marvel Cineamatic Universe as his career rages on.

Marvel Hasn’t Confirmed Taron Egerton’s Role

Taron Egerton

Although Marvel seems to have an idea about how to debut the X-Men alongside the Avengers, it is still goim to take a lot of time until the superhero team actually makes amuch-anticipated arrival on the big screen in their very own long-awaited story.

However, this day may come sooner than we think, later thanks to the news around a meeting conducted recently by Marvel, potentially about the portayal of Wolverine.

Fans roast Edgerton for his alleged casting On Twitter!



Kinsgman Star Met With Marvel Studios

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Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige

Actor Taron Egerton went on to reveal to The New York Times that he has already met with Marvel Studios Boss Kevin Feige and also some executives.

Egerton went on to reveal that he would try his best to succeed Hugh Jackman, if he lands up with the role, although he the actor also admitted he would try and be “apprehensive as well” after star Hugh Jackman went on to become a fan-favorite playing the adamantium-embellished mutant. Even though he is nervous, however, he does hopes to have a shot at playing James Howlett in the MCU:

“I don’t think it would be wrong to say that. I’d be excited but I’d be apprehensive as well, because Hugh is so associated with the role that I’d wonder if it’d be very difficult for someone else to do it…. But hopefully if [the role of Wolverine] does come around, they’ll give me a shot.”

However, the report has given no confirmation whether Egerton’s meetings on Marvel Studios were Wolverine’s role or for another MCU character. Whatever one might say, Kingsman lead star is still among the most popular fan-favourite castings to portray the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Wolverine alongside Daniel Radcliffe.


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