Marvel Comics have given us some iconic characters that even had the pleasure of making it to the big screen. One such character is Wolverine. The character enjoys undisputed popularity and has been adapted on the big screen for almost two decades. Hugh Jackman played the character and to near perfection. While he was a core member of the X-Men, he has his solo movies too. But some crazy battles were never shown in any of the movies. So,  let’s check out some of Wolverine’s brutal battles!

Cyclops vs. Logan

Wolverine's Most Brutal Battles
Wolverine’s Most Brutal Battles

Logan and Cyclops have always had bad blood. Some might say it’s because Logan tried to sleep with his wife for years, but in the end, it was their ideologies. It all came crashing down in the climax of the Schism storyline. They both went at each other and Cyclops even blew Logan’s face-off with his beams. But that didn’t slow down Logan and they both beat each other to a pulp before they were stopped.

Vs. Magneto

Wolverine's Most Brutal Battles
Wolverine’s Most Brutal Battles

While people might laugh at this battle simply because it’s one-sided, it was still pretty brutal. Wolverine’s most humiliating defeat came against Magneto in X-Men #25. As Magneto decided to take on the entire X-Men by himself, he decided to set an example out of someone. Well, that someone was Wolverine because he has a ton of Adamantium in him. He ripped the Adamantium out of Wolverine’s body and it was gruesome.

Vs. Punisher

Wolverine's Brutal Battles
Wolverine’s Brutal Battles

If not a proper showdown, then something really cruel is on its way. In Punisher #17, Wolverine was simply getting on the Punisher’s nerves and he wasn’t having it. In order to get Logan out of his hair, he shot him in his junk and then rolled over him with a steam roller for good measure! However, Logan’s son Daken got some payback on Frank later.

Old Man Logan

Wolverine's Brutal Battles
Wolverine’s Brutal Battles

Everything in Old Man Logan is visually disturbing and might never make it to the big screen. Well, considering that Marvel is moving towards hardcore action, it might still be possible. Old Man Logan has a lot of incest Hulks, clearly something we didn’t ask for. While the entire book is gruesome, in the finale, Logan goes on to kill the incest Hulk before taking on the Green Goliath himself. While the Hulk ate Logan, he came out ripping him off!


Wolverine vs. Sabretooth
Wolverine vs. Sabretooth

Last but not the least, this is where it all started for Wolverine. In Uncanny X-Men #213, Wolverine and Sabretooth go toe-to-toe as the issue perfectly shows their animal nature. Both of them stab, bite, and try to shred each other. The fight set the right tone for their future battles to come. Which fight is your favourite? Let us know!

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