Wonder Woman’s Most Famous Voice Actor from DCAU Has a Secret Role in Avatar: The Last Airbender
While many actors make a mark for themselves in the industry through their charming persona or unique expressions, a few talented actors weave magic only using their voices. From movies to animated shows and video games, certain voice actors are indelibly connected to a role that most fans can recognize in a heartbeat. One such voice actor is Susan Eisenberg, known for lending her voice to the iconic DC superhero Wonder Woman.
Who Voiced Wonder Woman?

Susan Eisenberg has not voiced Wonder Woman in merely one or two instances but in a vast range from the DC animated universe to the subsequent video games that made the superheroes more popular. Voicing the iconic female superhero in Justice League shot her to stardom as she eventually went on to be featured in Justice League Unlimited, and the direct-to-DVD movies Superman/Batman: Apocalypse, Justice League: Doom, and Justice League vs. the Fatal Five.
On top of animated movies and shows, Eisenberg became the voice of Wonder Woman in video games including Injustice: Gods Among Us and its sequel Injustice 2. As talented as she is, Eisenberg learned and polished her skills as part of her education during her courses at American University (Washington, D.C.), AADA (New York City), and UCLA.
Wonder Woman’s Voice Actor in Avatar: The Last Airbender

Jumping from one incredible franchise to another, Eisenberg secured a role in the blockbuster animated show Avatar: The Last Airbender on Nickelodeon. According to the acting credits on her website, she voices the character Sela, farmer Gansu’s wife in the seventh episode of season 2 of the show. Gansu and Sela have two kids named Sensu and Lee. While the elder son fights along the front lines, young Lee meets Zuko and invites him over to his farm for dinner.
The family welcomes Zuko and makes him feel comfortable. Sela is a kind and warm person who loves to care for her loved ones, but the burdens of day-to-day expenses and maintenance trouble her. Eisenberg added a calming and serene quality to Sela’s voice which perfectly aligned with her personality.

It also went on to show the incredible range with which Eisenberg worked on each role. Wonder Woman needed fierceness and power in every dialogue while Sela demanded more solemn qualities in the dialogue delivery, both of which were aced by Eisenberg. The voice actor got her breakthrough role as Viper in the animated television show Jackie Chan Adventures in 2000.
Since then, there has been no stopping her with her most recent role in the video game Mortal Kombat 1 as Ashrah and Sorceress of Castle Grayskull in Netflix’s Masters of the Universe: Revelation.