Ever since the Duchess of Sussex became a part of the British royal family, she has been the target of various tabloids and the media. Any information and opinions shared about Meghan Markle, which are primarily negative get readily accepted by social media warriors. Even her accent is sometimes criticized. Although she is American, there have been moments where Markle seemed to have tried using the English accent while addressing the British public,  however, all she received were harsh criticisms.

And once again, Markle was trolled, following the latest episode of her podcast Archetypes. Some listeners are not happy with Markle’s apparent attempt at a British accent calling it ‘pathetic’.

Meghan Markle was Heavily Criticized for trying to do a British accent

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle

In the latest episode of her podcast Archetypes, Meghan Markle sat down with guest Jameela Jamil. Some people believe that while greeting Jamil, the Duchess of Sussex, tried to say it in a British style. Following that, tons of social media users and the English press alike harshly criticized her for a simple ‘ello’.

At the beginning of the podcast, Jamil who is British greeted Markle with an ‘Ello’ (British way of saying ‘Hello’). Markle then reciprocated the greeting with “Ello. Hello, my friend. How are you doing?”

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle

Although later it was revealed that Markle’s was ‘ello’ probably an editing issue and that she actually did not utter the word, it still did not stop the haters from criticizing the Duchess of Sussex. Referring to the ‘ello’, some took to Twitter and claimed it was a ‘Pathetic attempt’ from Markle’s side. One user tweeted,


Aside from this, many others also used harsh words against Markle. Also, back in 2018, while on a trip with the late Queen Elizabeth II, Markle was criticized once again. At the time, a CNN reporter said referring to Markle’s speech,

“Strictly speaking, for someone in Britain, it’s not British yet. It’s not. But it is on the way.”

Overall, the whole podcast since it started has been hated. One tweeted,

Amid all this hate and criticism, supporters of the Duchess have also come up with tweets to defend her.

It is not a surprise that the mother of Archie and Lilibet is scrutinized for every little thing she does by social media and the English press particularly.

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Guest Star Jameela Jamil Defends Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle

Coincidentally, the guest Jameela Jamil defended Markle and called out the constant bullying online she received. According to Jamil, she always defended Markle even before she had ever got the chance to know her personally. She revealed,

“I was so outraged by the misrepresentation of this very normal, very kind, very civil woman”

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The British actress shared during the podcast that she herself had been the victim of online bullying and criticism. Speaking out on social issues such as reproductive rights, feminism, mental health, etc had put her into the same situations as Markle.

Further defending the Duchess of Sussex, Jamil Said that the demonization of Markle showed that the media and the haters were afraid of Markle. The Good Place actress expressed that she felt sorry for the Duchess of Sussex for going through all the unnecessary and evil criticisms by the public. Meghan Markle then thanked Jamil for standing and fighting against bigotry and misogyny.

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Source: marca.com

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