In a surprise moment during Saturday Night Live’s recent season finale, cast member Colin Jost poked fun at his wife, acclaimed actress Scarlett Johansson, as part of the show’s popular “joke swap” segment. During the bit, Jost and his Weekend Update co-host Michael Che wrote stand-up jokes for each other to deliver on-air. 

What Was the Joke About Scarlett Johansson?

Colin Jost via SNL
Colin Jost via SNL

Colin Jost, who has co-hosted the Weekend Update desk on SNL for years, teamed up with his Update co-host Michael Che to poke fun at each other by writing stand-up jokes for the other to deliver on-air. While the images on the screen were constantly changing, hosts had to make jokes instantly, which apparently resulted in Jost roasting Scarlett Johansson

Jost quipped, “New York state now allows movie theaters to serve alcohol, which is how I’m finally able to enjoy my wife’s little art movies.” Wincing through his discomfort, he continued, “I’m kidding, honey, I love all of your movies. And if you ask me, you’re an even better Black Widow than Coretta Scott King.”

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Jost’s joke referring to Coretta Scott King, wife of slain civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr., drew audible gasps from the studio audience. To make matters more awkward, Che brought out an actor playing a “poet, author and activist” to sit next to Jost as he told the racially insensitive joke.

Johansson, one of the highest-paid actresses in Hollywood thanks to her role as Black Widow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films, married Jost in 2020 and welcomed a son in 2021. While roasts are part of the comedy terrain for the SNL cast, dragging family members into the mix is seen as crossing a line by many fans.

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Michael Che Roasted Beyonce

Scarlett Johansson in Black Widow
Scarlett Johansson in Black Widow

While Jost had to take aim at Johansson, his Weekend Update partner Michael Che got a taste of his own medicine with a controversial joke. Che’s scripted gag focused on Beyonce amid recent controversy over the superstar musician’s skin tone.

“Last month Beyoncé posted a photo on Instagram of herself in a chrome Versace dress and platinum blond hair that many people online described as ‘too white,'” Che’s joke began. “In fact, Beyoncé looked so white that I was finally attracted to her.”

Colin Jost and Michael Che via SNL
Colin Jost and Michael Che via SNL

Both hosts laughed uncomfortably while delivering the blunt jokes about racial perceptions. The edgy humor is typical for SNL.

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